Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine

News by theme
Ministry of Agrarian Policy has set new minimum export prices for 15 types of goods

Ministry of Agrarian Policy has set new minimum export prices for 15 types of goods

January 10, 12:20 PM • 63416 views
Ministry of Youth and Sports has approved new criteria for the criticality of enterprises in the field of sports

Ministry of Youth and Sports has approved new criteria for the criticality of enterprises in the field of sports

January 6, 12:00 PM • 28757 views
A new registry for working with animals will appear in Ukraine: what will change from 2026

A new registry for working with animals will appear in Ukraine: what will change from 2026

December 30, 08:36 AM • 19536 views
Grain exports this season are more than 20% higher than last year

Grain exports this season are more than 20% higher than last year

December 27, 03:07 PM • 41919 views
Agrarian reservation: criteria updated and algorithm for determining critical agricultural enterprises published

Agrarian reservation: criteria updated and algorithm for determining critical agricultural enterprises published

December 25, 02:58 PM • 38435 views
Ukrainian fish may appear on the menu of schools, hospitals and the Armed Forces: what the Ministry of Agrarian Policy says

Ukrainian fish may appear on the menu of schools, hospitals and the Armed Forces: what the Ministry of Agrarian Policy says

December 19, 04:55 PM • 43740 views
The Cabinet of ministers decided to provide financial support to fish farmers in the de-occupied regions

The Cabinet of ministers decided to provide financial support to fish farmers in the de-occupied regions

December 11, 08:26 AM • 34245 views
There are risks of blocking the border by Polish farmers - Minagro

There are risks of blocking the border by Polish farmers - Minagro

December 10, 09:38 AM • 53143 views
A ban on catching crayfish is being introduced in Ukraine: when and where the restrictions will apply

A ban on catching crayfish is being introduced in Ukraine: when and where the restrictions will apply

November 29, 07:14 PM • 24258 views
The declaration register will not be available on November 27: What You Should Know

The declaration register will not be available on November 27: What You Should Know

November 27, 09:43 AM • 14869 views
Ukraine launches pet registry: what owners need to know

Ukraine launches pet registry: what owners need to know

November 25, 08:21 AM • 12011 views
The Cabinet of Ministers appoints new deputy ministers of justice and state secretaries

The Cabinet of Ministers appoints new deputy ministers of justice and state secretaries

November 22, 11:12 AM • 16533 views
Ukrainian farmers harvested 71.4 million tons of grains and oilseeds

Ukrainian farmers harvested 71.4 million tons of grains and oilseeds

November 15, 03:40 PM • 63292 views
Harvest 2024: how much grain and oilseeds have already been harvested

Harvest 2024: how much grain and oilseeds have already been harvested

November 8, 03:18 PM • 32761 views
Almost 6 million hectares of winter crops sown in Ukraine: which regions have already completed the sowing season

Almost 6 million hectares of winter crops sown in Ukraine: which regions have already completed the sowing season

November 5, 09:09 AM • 40653 views
Ukraine harvested 66.7 million tons of new crops: which regions are the largest

Ukraine harvested 66.7 million tons of new crops: which regions are the largest

November 1, 02:01 PM • 31961 views
Winter crops sown on 5.7 million hectares: which regions have already completed the sowing season

Winter crops sown on 5.7 million hectares: which regions have already completed the sowing season

October 29, 08:22 AM • 33671 views
The area under winter crops may be larger than last year - Ministry of Agrarian Policy

The area under winter crops may be larger than last year - Ministry of Agrarian Policy

October 25, 02:07 PM • 35551 views
Ukraine has already harvested 63.7 million tons of crops: which regions have the most

Ukraine has already harvested 63.7 million tons of crops: which regions have the most

October 25, 01:05 PM • 24398 views
The harvest of grains and oilseeds this year will be 10 million tons less - Ministry of Agrarian Policy

The harvest of grains and oilseeds this year will be 10 million tons less - Ministry of Agrarian Policy

October 25, 09:59 AM • 18824 views
A new electronic system for the hemp business is being launched in Ukraine

A new electronic system for the hemp business is being launched in Ukraine

Starting from March 2025, the "eKonopli" system will be operational in Ukraine to simplify work with industrial hemp. The system will allow for quick registration and management of all processes online without the need for licenses.

Economy • March 10, 02:10 PM • 20664 views
The expert explained what caused the rise in prices for vegetables and dairy products in Ukraine

The expert explained what caused the rise in prices for vegetables and dairy products in Ukraine

Inflation in Ukraine reached 12. 9%, which led to higher prices for vegetables and dairy products. The reasons for this were weather conditions, labor shortages, and an increase in dairy exports.

Economy • February 17, 01:43 PM • 149578 views
Ukraine's foreign trade went into the red by $2.3 billion: where are exports going

Ukraine's foreign trade went into the red by $2.3 billion: where are exports going

In January 2025, Ukraine's foreign trade deficit reached $2. 3 billion, a third more than last year. Imports totaled $5.5 billion, exports $3.2 billion, with the largest imports from China and exports to Poland.

Economy • February 11, 06:18 AM • 32068 views
The E-Beekeeping service has been launched in Ukraine: how it will work and who will benefit from it

The E-Beekeeping service has been launched in Ukraine: how it will work and who will benefit from it

Ukraine is launching an electronic service to protect bees from poisoning by plant protection products. The system will allow farmers and beekeepers to interact through a single platform to organize bee pollination.

Technologies • February 10, 01:56 PM • 43399 views
Food prices: Ministry of Agrarian Policy told what changes are possible in the next 4-5 months

Food prices: Ministry of Agrarian Policy told what changes are possible in the next 4-5 months

The First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy does not see any prerequisites for significant changes in food prices until the new harvest. Prices for dairy products are expected to remain stable and possibly decline in the next 4-5 months.

Economy • February 6, 01:00 PM • 42100 views
Warm winter will force farmers to spend more on crop protection from pests

Warm winter will force farmers to spend more on crop protection from pests

The warm winter is expected to increase the number of pests, fungi and weeds in the fields. Farmers will have to increase spending on crop protection products, although the condition of crops is currently satisfactory.

Economy • February 6, 11:06 AM • 39074 views
Winter crops sown on the same area as last year - Ministry of Agrarian Policy

Winter crops sown on the same area as last year - Ministry of Agrarian Policy

Winter crops were sown on the same area as last year. Thanks to demining and surveying, 285,000 hectares of agricultural land were brought back under cultivation.

Economy • February 6, 10:26 AM • 33533 views
The government wants to compensate for the shortage of meat, dairy and fish products: a concept has been prepared

The government wants to compensate for the shortage of meat, dairy and fish products: a concept has been prepared

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the concept of livestock development to compensate for the shortage of meat and dairy products. The program envisages an increase in production to 70 kg of meat and 270 kg of dairy products per person annually.

Economy • February 5, 03:24 PM • 36423 views
Owners of cows, goats and sheep can receive state subsidies: how to apply

Owners of cows, goats and sheep can receive state subsidies: how to apply

Ukraine has started accepting applications for special budget subsidies for livestock through the State Agrarian Register. The payments amount to UAH 7000 per cow and UAH 2000 per sheep/goat.

Economy • February 3, 08:47 AM • 38970 views
Grain exports this season are 14% higher than last year

Grain exports this season are 14% higher than last year

Since the beginning of the marketing year, Ukraine has exported 23. 904 million tons of grain, up 14.15% year-on-year. The largest exports were of corn and wheat - 11.153 and 10.328 mln tons respectively.

Economy • January 17, 03:08 PM • 75482 views
Ministry of Agrarian Policy has set new minimum export prices for 15 types of goods

Ministry of Agrarian Policy has set new minimum export prices for 15 types of goods

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy has approved minimum export prices for January 2025 for 15 types of agricultural products. Exports of goods at prices lower than the established ones will be prohibited.

Economy • January 10, 12:20 PM • 63416 views
Ministry of Youth and Sports has approved new criteria for the criticality of enterprises in the field of sports

Ministry of Youth and Sports has approved new criteria for the criticality of enterprises in the field of sports

The Ministry of Youth and Sports has approved new criteria for determining important sports enterprises during a special period. The new order No. 7742 replaced the previous document of February 2023.

Sports • January 6, 12:00 PM • 28757 views
A new registry for working with animals will appear in Ukraine: what will change from 2026

A new registry for working with animals will appear in Ukraine: what will change from 2026

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the creation of a register of certificates for working with animals, which will be launched in 2026. The system will contain data on certificate holders, areas of training, and cases of violations of the law.

Society • December 30, 08:36 AM • 19536 views
Grain exports this season are more than 20% higher than last year

Grain exports this season are more than 20% higher than last year

Since the beginning of the marketing year, Ukraine has exported 21. 256 million tons of grain, up 21.57% year-on-year. The largest exports were of wheat - 9.63 million tons and corn - 9.351 million tons.

Economy • December 27, 03:07 PM • 41919 views
Agrarian reservation: criteria updated and algorithm for determining critical agricultural enterprises published

Agrarian reservation: criteria updated and algorithm for determining critical agricultural enterprises published

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy has approved new criteria for determining enterprises that are important to the economy in a special period. To obtain the status, two criteria must be met and tax reports must be submitted.

Economy • December 25, 02:58 PM • 38435 views
Ukrainian fish may appear on the menu of schools, hospitals and the Armed Forces: what the Ministry of Agrarian Policy says

Ukrainian fish may appear on the menu of schools, hospitals and the Armed Forces: what the Ministry of Agrarian Policy says

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy plans to increase the consumption of Ukrainian fish in public institutions. Currently, Ukraine imports $1 billion worth of fish products, while exporting only $19 million.

Economy • December 19, 04:55 PM • 43740 views
The Cabinet of ministers decided to provide financial support to fish farmers in the de-occupied regions

The Cabinet of ministers decided to provide financial support to fish farmers in the de-occupied regions

The Cabinet of ministers approved the procedure for financial support of freshwater fish producers in the occupied territories. Compensation will cover the cost of growing and purchasing fish planting material.

Economy • December 11, 08:26 AM • 34245 views
There are risks of blocking the border by Polish farmers - Minagro

There are risks of blocking the border by Polish farmers - Minagro

Ukraine has become a hostage to internal political discussions in Poland, where Ukrainian products are used as a tool in disputes. The Ministry of Agriculture warns of the risks of new border blockades due to the upcoming elections in Poland.

Politics • December 10, 09:38 AM • 53143 views
A ban on catching crayfish is being introduced in Ukraine: when and where the restrictions will apply

A ban on catching crayfish is being introduced in Ukraine: when and where the restrictions will apply

Starting from December 1, 2024, Ukraine will introduce a ban on catching crayfish in most water bodies. On the Danube, the ban will be effective from December 5, on reservoirs - from December 15.

Society • November 29, 07:14 PM • 24258 views
The declaration register will not be available on November 27: What You Should Know

The declaration register will not be available on November 27: What You Should Know

The NACP will temporarily restrict access to the unified state register of declarations on November 27 from 15:00 to 18:00. The restriction is related to software maintenance of the system.

Society • November 27, 09:43 AM • 14869 views
Ukraine launches pet registry: what owners need to know

Ukraine launches pet registry: what owners need to know

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy is launching the Unified State Register of Pets on the Diia. Engine platform. First, veterinarians will be authorized, and then the registration of cats, dogs and ferrets will begin.

Society • November 25, 08:21 AM • 12011 views
The Cabinet of Ministers appoints new deputy ministers of justice and state secretaries

The Cabinet of Ministers appoints new deputy ministers of justice and state secretaries

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has appointed two new deputy ministers of justice - Victoria Vasylchuk and Yevhen Pikalov. State secretaries were also appointed to the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.

Politics • November 22, 11:12 AM • 16533 views
Ukrainian farmers harvested 71.4 million tons of grains and oilseeds

Ukrainian farmers harvested 71.4 million tons of grains and oilseeds

Ukrainian farmers harvested 52. 1 million tons of grains and 19.3 million tons of oilseeds from an area of 19.2 million hectares. The largest grain harvest was in Odesa, Chernihiv and Poltava regions.

Economy • November 15, 03:40 PM • 63292 views
Harvest 2024: how much grain and oilseeds have already been harvested

Harvest 2024: how much grain and oilseeds have already been harvested

Ukraine harvested 68. 9 million tons of grains and oilseeds from an area of 18.9 million hectares. The biggest harvest was in Odesa, Poltava and Chernihiv regions.

Economy • November 8, 03:18 PM • 32761 views
Almost 6 million hectares of winter crops sown in Ukraine: which regions have already completed the sowing season

Almost 6 million hectares of winter crops sown in Ukraine: which regions have already completed the sowing season

Ukrainian farmers sowed 5. 98 million hectares of winter crops, including 4.9 million hectares of grain and 1 million hectares of rapeseed. Nine regions have already fully completed sowing winter crops.

Economy • November 5, 09:09 AM • 40653 views
Ukraine harvested 66.7 million tons of new crops: which regions are the largest

Ukraine harvested 66.7 million tons of new crops: which regions are the largest

Ukraine harvested 47. 9 million tons of grains and 18.8 million tons of oilseeds from an area of 18.6 million hectares. Odesa, Poltava, and Chernihiv regions were the leaders in grain harvest.

Economy • November 1, 02:01 PM • 31961 views
Winter crops sown on 5.7 million hectares: which regions have already completed the sowing season

Winter crops sown on 5.7 million hectares: which regions have already completed the sowing season

Ukrainian farmers planted 5. 7 million hectares of winter crops, including 4.1 million hectares of wheat and 1.05 million hectares of rapeseed. Five regions have fully completed sowing of winter grains, and 12 regions have sown winter rapeseed.

Economy • October 29, 08:22 AM • 33671 views
The area under winter crops may be larger than last year - Ministry of Agrarian Policy

The area under winter crops may be larger than last year - Ministry of Agrarian Policy

The total area of winter crops in Ukraine may increase this year due to wheat. Winter rapeseed plantings decreased by 10% due to unfavorable weather conditions.

Economy • October 25, 02:07 PM • 35551 views
Ukraine has already harvested 63.7 million tons of crops: which regions have the most

Ukraine has already harvested 63.7 million tons of crops: which regions have the most

Ukrainian farmers harvested 63. 7 million tons of grains and oilseeds from an area of 18.1 million hectares. The largest harvest was in Odesa, Poltava and Vinnytsia regions.

Economy • October 25, 01:05 PM • 24398 views
The harvest of grains and oilseeds this year will be 10 million tons less - Ministry of Agrarian Policy

The harvest of grains and oilseeds this year will be 10 million tons less - Ministry of Agrarian Policy

Ukraine is expected to harvest 75 million tons of grains and oilseeds in 2024. This is 10 million tons less than last year, according to Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy Taras Vysotsky.

Economy • October 25, 09:59 AM • 18824 views