Countries of concern: Blinken on China, Iran and North Korea and their support for Russia

Countries of concern: Blinken on China, Iran and North Korea and their support for Russia

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 18 2024, 06:45 PM  •  58863 views

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken condemned China, Iran and North Korea for supporting Russia's military economy and defense industrial base, which made Russia's invasion of Ukraine possible.

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken called China, Iran and North Korea "countries of concern" because of their participation in Russia's war economy. He said this at a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on June 18, UNN reports with reference to Radio Liberty.


Stoltenberg said that Russia's aggressive war in Ukraine "demonstrates and confirms the very close alliance between Russia and authoritarian states such as North Korea, as well as China and Iran.

Blinken condemned North Korea and Iran for supplying munitions to Russia.

He also called on China to stop supporting Russia's defense industrial base. Blinken said that China "cannot, on the one hand, say it wants better relations with Europe, while at the same time funding the greatest security threat since the Cold War.

China's assistance has allowed Russia to maintain its military-industrial base - "to maintain the war machine... This has to stop," Blinken said.


The day before, Stoltenberg said that China is providing Russia with technologies that continue its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, so there must be consequences for Beijing because of this.  

China responds to Stoltenberg's statement on support for Putin's war in UkraineJune 18 2024, 02:09 PM • 36831 view