Ukraine needs not a truce, but sustainable peace for decades - NSDC Secretary

Ukraine needs not a truce, but sustainable peace for decades - NSDC Secretary

Kyiv  •  UNN

May 20 2024, 11:59 AM  •  21014 views

The NSDC emphasizes that Ukraine seeks a lasting peace for decades through security guarantees, such as NATO membership, and not just a temporary ceasefire to ensure the country's recovery and further development.

Ukraine understands that the war can only end through peace negotiations. However, Kyiv does not want to negotiate a sustainable peace for decades, but for a few years. This was stated in a video address to the participants of the 16th Baltic Sea Region Forum: "NATO 2024 and Arctic Europe" by the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Lytvynenko, UNN reports.


According to him, today it is not only about Ukraine, but also about the future of Europe. Lytovenko explained that the allies will eventually have to look for weapons for their own troops if they  fail to arm the Ukrainian army.

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Ukraine clearly realizes that the war will end in negotiations. That is why President Zelensky's peace formula has been prepared and is being promoted

- NSDC Secretary emphasized. 

At the same time, he emphasized that Ukraine needs a lasting peace that will allow the country to recover and give it a chance for further development. Mr. Lytvynenko is convinced that this is possible thanks to security guarantees. 

We do not need a 2-year truce, but a sustainable peace for decades, which would enable Ukraine's development. And this is a matter of security guarantees. Security agreements implementing last year's G7 statement are without a doubt an important step. (...) However, Ukraine needs guarantees, and the Finnish example clearly demonstrates that today in Europe there is only one real guarantee - NATO membership. That is why we hope to receive an invitation to join the Alliance at this year's NATO Summit in Washington, DC

- emphasized Oleksandr Lytvynenko.


He also admitted that Ukraine's accession to NATO is not an immediate issue that can be resolved in one day. However, the NSDC secretary explained that even inviting the country to join the Alliance would stop Russia and help de-escalate the situation.

NATO is considering options for NATO troops to intervene in the war in Ukraine - mediaMay 5 2024, 11:44 AM • 94434 views

We are aware that the accession will not take place tomorrow, but the invitation will cool down many hot heads in Russia. It will contribute to de-escalation, not a confrontational step. The experience of the Bucharest Summit in 2008 clearly proved that in relations with Putin, clear certainty stabilizes the situation, while its absence provokes Russia to take aggressive steps

- confident Litvinenko


NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană stated that Russia has neither the intention nor the capability to launch a military attack on any NATO country.

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