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Ukrainian air defense forces shot down 9 out of 14 "Shaheeds" and three missiles at night

Ukrainian air defense forces shot down nine Iranian Shahed drones and three Russian X-59 missiles in Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovs'k regions overnight.

War • February 26 2024, 05:53 AM  •  35404 views
Ukrainian air defense forces shot down 9 out of 14 "Shaheeds" and three missiles at night

Plus 880 occupants and 13 tanks: General Staff updates data on enemy losses

Since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, Russian troops have lost approximately 410,700 personnel and 6,555 tanks.

War • February 26 2024, 05:44 AM  •  33058 views
Plus 880 occupants and 13 tanks: General Staff updates data on enemy losses

Enterprise damaged in Nikopol region due to enemy attack

An enterprise in Nikopol suffered a fire caused by Russian shelling at night.

War • February 26 2024, 05:38 AM  •  32076 views
Enterprise damaged in Nikopol region due to enemy attack

China accuses the US of bias in WTO report

China accused the United States of bias and false accusations in the WTO report, saying that the report ignores China's progress in fulfilling its WTO obligations and denies China's contribution to world trade.

Economy • February 26 2024, 05:32 AM  •  36349 views
China accuses the US of bias in WTO report

Today is the Day of Resistance to the Russian Occupation of Crimea

Today, all citizens of Ukraine join the Day of Resistance to the Russian Occupation of Crimea. On February 26, about ten thousand people gathered in the center of Simferopol to support the preservation of Crimea as part of Ukraine. Due to the criminal inaction of law enforcement officers, clashes broke out as a result of provocations by pro-Russian forces, killing two people.

Society • February 26 2024, 05:17 AM  •  35784 views
Today is the Day of Resistance to the Russian Occupation of Crimea

95 combat engagements took place in the frontline - General Staff

95 combat engagements took place on the frontline, according to the morning report of the General Staff.

War • February 26 2024, 05:10 AM  •  29972 views
95 combat engagements took place in the frontline - General Staff

Aviation of the Defense Forces carried out 9 strikes against the enemy over the last day - General Staff

The General Staff reported that over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian aviation conducted 9 strikes on Russian troops, destroying 3 missiles, 9 drones, and hit 7 personnel locations and 2 anti-aircraft installations.

War • February 26 2024, 05:03 AM  •  28053 views
Aviation of the Defense Forces carried out 9 strikes against the enemy over the last day - General Staff

In South Korea, doctors on strike may lose their medical license

More than 9,000 South Korean doctors have stopped working in protest, but face losing their medical licenses if they do not return by Thursday's deadline set by the deputy health minister.

Health • February 26 2024, 04:45 AM  •  26387 views
In South Korea, doctors on strike may lose their medical license

Spiegel: Europe is looking for ammunition for the Ukrainian Armed Forces around the world

Europeans are looking for ammunition around the world as the Ukrainian military needs more to keep fighting and American aid is blocked in Congress.

War • February 26 2024, 04:30 AM  •  28696 views
Spiegel: Europe is looking for ammunition for the Ukrainian Armed Forces around the world

Eiffel Tower reopened after 6-day strike

The Eiffel Tower has reopened after a six-day closure due to a strike by workers demanding better maintenance and higher wages, and its operator has pledged 380 million euros for repairs and wage negotiations.

Culture • February 26 2024, 04:17 AM  •  27586 views
Eiffel Tower reopened after 6-day strike