Zelensky: Putin is dragging Belarus into war and has nothing to say about it

Zelensky: Putin is dragging Belarus into war and has nothing to say about it

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 24 2024, 08:53 PM  •  18875 views

The President of Ukraine told the UN Security Council that Putin is trying to drag Belarus into a war with Ukraine. Zelenskyy emphasized that Russia has no legitimate reasons for its actions and cooperation with Iran and North Korea.

During a speech at the UN Security Council, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is dragging Belarus into a war with Ukraine, and he has nothing to say about it, an UNN correspondent reports.

Putin has nothing to say if you ask him why he is trying to drag Belarus into a war, why his propagandists threaten the peoples of the Caucasus or Central Asia, or why Russia invests most of its resources not in human development but in hatred. There is no legitimate reason for Russia to make Iran and North Korea de facto accomplices in its criminal war in Europe, when their weapons are killing us, killing Ukrainians, and helping Putin steal our land from our people,

- Zelensky said.

He added that some people in the world want to talk to Putin, but they won't be able to hear anything from him, except for things Zelensky called insane.

We know that some people in the world want to talk to Putin. We know that. To meet, to talk, to communicate. But what exactly can they hear from him? That he is upset because we are exercising our right to protect our people? Or that he wants to continue the war and terror just so that no one thinks he was wrong? This is also insane,

- said the President of Ukraine.

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