The Ministry of Energy has no plans to raise electricity tariffs again

The Ministry of Energy has no plans to raise electricity tariffs again

Kyiv  •  UNN

July 23 2024, 10:49 AM  •  40732 views

The Deputy Energy Minister said that there are no plans to raise the electricity tariff to UAH 7. The current tariff of 4.32 UAH/kWh covers the cost of production and remains one of the lowest in Europe.

Deputy Energy Minister Svitlana Hrynchuk said that they are not considering raising the electricity tariff to UAH 7, although the cost of electricity for households after the tariff increase remains one of the lowest in Europe.

She told about this in an interview with Obozrevatel, UNN reports.

When asked about raising electricity prices to UAH 7, Hrynchuk said there were no such plans.

Regarding the tariff increase: On May 31, the Cabinet of Ministers approved a decision to extend the provision on the imposition of special obligations (PSO) on electricity market participants, which sets a single fixed price for individual and collective household consumers at UAH 4.32/kWh until April 30, 2025. This tariff, effective as of June 1, covers only the cost of electricity generation by the two state-owned energy companies (Energoatom and Ukrhydroenergo), as well as electricity transmission, distribution in the regions and supply to consumers

- She says.

The Deputy Minister of Energy says that the state subsidizes electricity tariffs for households, which used to be UAH 2.64 per kWh. These tariffs were significantly lower than the real cost of electricity and required subsidies to cover the difference.

However, due to widespread damage to the energy infrastructure, the government is now forced to spend significant amounts of money to restore facilities to ensure that people have electricity in their homes and therefore cannot provide the same large-scale financial support to the population as it did before.

“The cost of electricity for households after the tariff hike remains one of the lowest in Europe and is less than in Moldova, Bulgaria, or Macedonia,” she adds.

Hrynchuk noted that the increase in electricity tariffs helps finance the repair and restoration of the energy system. She pointed out that thanks to the funds received in 2023 after the adjustment of tariffs for households, energy companies were able to prepare for the winter period. Approximately 20 GW of capacity was repaired and another 3 GW was added to the system.


The leader of the Batkivshchyna party, MP Yulia Tymoshenko, expressed confidence that the price of a kilowatt of nuclear energy, which is used for the needs of Ukrainian consumers , is 97 kopecks. Therefore, in her opinion, there was no reason to raise the cost of electricity to UAH 4.32.