Financed Russian troops: Medvedchuk's wife Oksana Marchenko will be tried in Ukraine

Financed Russian troops: Medvedchuk's wife Oksana Marchenko will be tried in Ukraine

Kyiv  •  UNN

May 28 2024, 03:30 PM  •  20607 views

Oksana Marchenko, the wife of pro-Russian politician Viktor Medvedchuk, faces up to 8 years in prison for financing the Russian occupation forces in Crimea since 2014, including payments to the Russian Guard and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Security Service has collected evidence of systematic financing of the Russian Guard and the Russian Interior Ministry by Oksana Marchenko, the wife of Viktor Medvedchuk, a suspected high treason offender. Currently , the materials of the criminal proceedings against her have been submitted to the court. This was stated by the SBU in Ivano-Frankivsk region, UNN reports.


It is noted that SBU completes pre-trial investigation into Oksana Marchenko's financing of Russian occupation groups in Crimea

In particular, the wife of the former OPFL MP is charged under two articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:  part 3 of Article 110-2 - financing of actions committed with the aim of violent change or overthrow of the constitutional order or seizure of state power, change of the borders of the territory or state border of Ukraine and  part 4 of Article 111-1 - collaboration, i.e. transfer of material resources to armed groups created in the temporarily occupied territory and armed groups of the aggressor state. (...) Oksana Marchenko faces up to 8 years in prison and confiscation of all her property

- law enforcement officers summarized. 

SBU officers found that since the beginning of the Russian aggression in 2014, Marchenko had transferred millions of dollars to the accounts of the military and law enforcement units of the aggressor state in the occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

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And even after the start of the full-scale invasion of Russia, the defendant and representatives of the legal entities under her control continued to pay money to the Russians.

Investigators found that on the instructions of Oksana Marchenko, the heads of affiliated companies paid the Russian Guard and the Russian Interior Ministry to "protect the Medvedchuks' real estate" on the peninsula.

In addition, the SBU stated that between 2014 and 2022, Marchenko and her accomplices directly financed the formations involved in the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine for a total amount of over UAH 21 million.

Law enforcement officers found out that to implement the scheme, Oksana Marchenko engaged directors of controlled investment companies located in Kyiv. She also registered a company with an authorized capital of more than 1 billion Russian rubles in the name of a Ukrainian citizen, a resident of Yalta, under Russian law.

With the assistance of Marchenko and top managers of Kyiv companies, the newly created firm regularly updated "security" agreements with Russian paramilitary groups and transferred funds to the accounts of the Russian Guard and the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs on a monthly basis for years

- the SBU said. 

Investigators traced more than 18 such payments, each consisting of smaller "tranches". In addition, the SBU investigated in detail the contracts concluded by Marchenko and her accomplices with Russian paramilitary units. 

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It is noted that within criminal proceedings, the SBU has taken exhaustive measures to prevent the suspect from concealing assets that will be subject to confiscation after a court decision. To make it impossible to re-register them to fictitious persons, the property of Marchenko and other suspects worth UAH 18.4 billion was seized.

In particular, at the initiative of the SBU, the court arrested the following:

  • securities and property rights in energy, metallurgy, logistics and petroleum products companies for over UAH 5.3 billion.
  •  corporate rights in investment, manufacturing, recreational and telecommunications companies worth over UAH 3.4 billion.

Medvedchuk has become a new beneficiary of the economy of the occupied Donetsk region - rosmediaDecember 21 2023, 06:16 PM • 31202 views

Marchenko's real estate worth UAH 2.1 billion was also seized:

  • 30 apartments, 8 residential buildings, 11 land plots, 2 commercial real estate objects, 17 parking lots and garages in Kyiv, 13 land plots in different regions of Ukraine;
  •  2 recreation centers and 2 sports centers in the capital, Prykarpattia and Zakarpattia, a house in Lviv region;
  •  two large-scale property complexes and a residential building in Crimea with a boathouse and a helipad.

In addition, at the SBU's initiative, the court seized movable property worth over UAH 7.5 billion:

  •  yachts Pershing 9X and Royal Romance;
  •  19 cars, including premium cars, including two Maybachs and a Bentley Continental;
  •  757 works of art and icons, collections of watches, jewelry, antiques, a collection of several thousand old prints, etc. 


The wife of former Ukrainian MP Viktor Medvedchuk, Oksana Marchenko, has become the owner of a company in Russiathat produces films.