Zelenskyy: Ukraine's victory plan is designed to support Biden

Zelenskyy: Ukraine's victory plan is designed to support Biden

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 22 2024, 05:40 PM  •  34917 views

The President of Ukraine said that the victory plan was developed with the support of Joe Biden. Zelenskyy emphasized that the document does not require cooperation from Russia and depends only on Kyiv and foreign partners.

Ukraine's victory plan is designed to support White House Chief of Staff Joe Biden. This was stated by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with The New Yorker  , UNN reports.


When asked whether Ukraine has a plan B in case Biden rejects the Victory Plan, Zelenskyy replied: “We have been living in Plan B for years.

According to him, Plan A was proposed before the full-scale war, when it was about preventive sanctions and strengthening Ukraine with various weapons. However, at that time, the partners “did not listen” to Ukraine. 

Now I propose a new plan “A”. This plan means that we are changing the current course, where we have resisted only thanks to the strength of our army, the heroic commitment to European values of our people and soldiers. If you don't want this war to drag on, if you don't want Putin to bury us under the corpses of his people, taking more Ukrainian lives, we offer you a plan to strengthen 

- the Head of State said.

He also emphasized that the plan spells out what the partners can do without Russia's participation. Therefore, the document does not require cooperation from Moscow. Zelenskyy added that before diplomacy can be effective, the implementation of the Ukrainian plan depends only on Kyiv and foreign partners.

Zelenskyy: victory plan is designed for quick decisions of partners - from October to December without delaySeptember 20 2024, 11:05 AM • 13065 views

You were right, this plan (of victory - ed.) was developed primarily with Biden's support in mind. If he does not want to support it, I cannot force him. If he refuses, then we have to continue to live according to plan B. And it's a shame

- Zelensky said.

At the same time, he called Biden's refusal “a terrible thought”

This (Biden's refusal to support the victory plan - ed.) would mean that Biden does not want to end the war in any way that denies the victory of the Russian Federation  

- emphasizes the President of Ukraine.


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that he already has a fully prepared victory plan, all the points, all the key emphases, and the necessary annexes with details to the plan have been identified. The most important thing now is the determination to implement it.