Sowing campaign this year is more intensive than last year - expert

Sowing campaign this year is more intensive than last year - expert

Kyiv  •  UNN

April 1 2024, 11:21 AM  •  26681 views

This year's spring sowing campaign in Ukraine is more intense and faster than last year, with active sowing taking place in all regions, including the frontline areas where farmers face challenges from mining and hostilities.

This year's sowing campaign is more intensive than last year. Traditionally, the southern regions are the most active in the sowing campaign. However, farmers in the frontline areas face the problems of mining and hostilities. Denys Marchuk, deputy chairman of the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council, said this during a briefing, UNN reports .


Traditionally, these are usually the southern regions of Ukraine. Kherson, Mykolaiv, and Odesa regions were the first to start planting, but now we see western Ukraine and northern Ukraine also actively going into the fields. Poltava region is quite active in sowing sugar beet. We cannot say that some regions are lagging behind, on the contrary, this spring's sowing campaign is more intensive and faster than last year. We state that everyone is well prepared

- Marchuk said.

Marchuk noted that in the frontline areas, farmers face the problems of mining and military operations.

But thanks to the work of our demining teams and sapper teams, we have a statement that, for example, the sown area in Kherson region has tripled. If we take this period last year, the area under crops was 54 thousand hectares, and now it is more than 152 thousand hectares. There is a chance that the number of crops will increase in this region, and therefore the number of producers involved in the work will be able to ensure the viability of their enterprises

- Marchuk added.


All regions of Ukraine have started sowing spring crops. Ukrainian farmers are already sowing sunflower, soybeans and sugar beet.