A new service has been created in Ukraine: an e-card of services for war veterans

A new service has been created in Ukraine: an e-card of services for war veterans

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 18 2024, 11:55 AM  •  38513 views

An electronic map of services for war veterans and their families has been launched in Ukraine to help them find services offered by the state and various organizations across the country.

Ukraine has launched an e-Card of services for war veterans in communities, which should help the military and their families find services offered by the state and various organizations. This was reported by UNN with reference to the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine.


The project was developed by the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration in Ukraine.  The e-Card is available on the e-Veteran platform .  

As explained by the Ministry of Veterans, on the e-Card, veterans, their families, and families of fallen defenders can find services offered by the state, as well as non-governmental and international organizations.

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Users can filter such information by:

  • place of service delivery in regions and communities;
  •  types of services;
  • The portal offers a variety of services: from psychological support, medical programs, patriotic education, art, to everything necessary for the development of veterans' associations and veterans' business initiatives.

Currently, the portal defines 7542  services.

The Ministry of Veterans is launching another digital solution to expand and simplify access to information about all services available in Ukraine  from all stakeholders. The E-Card is essentially a data aggregator that the veteran community has been missing. Now, everything veterans need can be quickly found through their smartphones or computers, just by specifying the region or their local community

- said Oleksandr Porkhun, acting Minister of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine. 


The agency explains that the algorithm for working with the e-Card is quite simple: 

  • the user visits the site, 
  • filters region, community, type of service 
  • reads the name and description of the options provided within the service 
  • sees the address, comes, applies for the service or receives it immediately  

Representatives of the RMA's structural units on veterans' policy play an important role in the quality of the e-Map of services in communities for women and men veterans , as they are responsible for coordinating the process at the regional level, which significantly speeds up the work and improves the quality of the information provided

- explains Deputy Minister for Veterans Affairs Ruslan Prykhodko. 

The teams of the Ministry of Veterans and IOM used a tool to collect data from communities on available services for women and men veterans, their families, and families of fallen defenders, and conducted a two-week testing and piloting in Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil regions. 

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Based on the test results, the updated data collection tool, along with detailed instructions on how to fill it out, was distributed to all regions of Ukraine.


As of May, there were 1.2 million registered veterans in Ukraine , and after the war is over, their number will increase to 5-6 million.