Weather in Ukraine: where it will be warmest on November 25 and what to expect
Kyiv • UNN
On November 25, cloudy weather with clearings and no precipitation is expected in Ukraine. The air temperature will range from 0 to +7°C, the warmest will be in Lviv.
On November 25, cloudy weather with clearings will remain in Ukraine, no precipitation is expected. This is reported by the Ukrainian Weather Center, UNN reports.
- [Kyiv:+0...+2°C, partly cloudy with clearings, no precipitation.
- Lviv:,, temperature +5...+7°C, cloudy with clearings, no precipitation.
- Dnipro:, temperature +1...+3°C, cloudy with clearings, no precipitation.
- Odesa:, temperature +4...+6°C, cloudy with clearings, no precipitation.
- Kharkiv:, temperature +0...+2°C, cloudy with clearings, no precipitation.
- Donetsk:, temperature +0...+2°C, cloudy with clearings, no precipitation.
- Luhansk:, temperature +0...+2°C, cloudy with clearings, no precipitation.
- Simferopol: +3...+5°C, cloudy with clearings, no precipitation.
- Melitopol:, temperature +2...+4°C, cloudy with clearings, no precipitation.
In most regions, the temperature will fluctuate between +0...+2°C, which will make it a rather cool day, but without significant precipitation.
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