"Own business": 623 veterans received grants for business development

"Own business": 623 veterans received grants for business development

Kyiv  •  UNN

May 15 2024, 11:16 AM  •  74559 views

In total, 623 veterans and their families have received grants totaling UAH 280 million since the start of the Own Business program.

71 winners received grants from the state in the amount of UAH 34 million to start or develop their own businesses as part of the eighth wave of the "Own Business" program for veterans in 2024. In total, 623 veterans and their family members have received grants totaling UAH 280 million since the program began. This was reported by Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Tetiana Berezhna, UNN reports.

The 71 winners of this year's eighth wave of the veterans' component of the "Own Business" program have been selected. The state is investing UAH 34 million in starting or scaling their businesses through grants. Since the start of this program, 623 veterans and their spouses have already received a positive decision to receive a grant totaling UAH 280 million. With the support of the state, they will be able to start their own business or develop existing enterprises by investing grant funds in new equipment or facilities to increase the volume or range of products or services, or to master new business areas. At the same time, grant recipients will create more than 1,200 jobs, including for their fellow veterans

- noted Tetyana Berezhna.

In the eighth wave of the veterans' grant program, 71 winners, including 41 combatants and 30 members of their families, received funding. The distribution of grants is as follows: 53 winners received up to UAH 500 thousand, 13 - up to UAH 250 thousand, and 5 - up to UAH 1 million. Most of the grantees are from Lviv, Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia, Rivne regions and the city of Kyiv.

The grants are most often used to develop businesses in the areas of wholesale and retail trade, hospitality, agriculture, and other services. According to the program's terms, combatants, people with war-related disabilities, and their partners can receive such grants:

  • up to UAH 250 thousand, up to UAH 500 thousand and up to UAH 1 million for a veteran, provided that one, two and four jobs are created, respectively;
  • up to UAH 250 thousand and up to UAH 500 thousand - for the second spouse of a veteran, provided that one and two jobs are created, respectively;

To receive a grant of UAH 500 thousand to UAH 1 million, a veteran must have been a sole proprietor for at least three years. In addition, the grant provides for co-financing, where the veteran contributes 30% of his or her own funds, and the state adds 70% in the form of a grant.


As part of the "Own Business" program, 264 Ukrainians will receive support in the amount of UAH 62 million in 2024 to develop their businesses.