Vision problems
New law on mobilization: RCCs may not have time to update all men's data in 60 days

New law on mobilization: RCCs may not have time to update all men's data in 60 days

Kyiv • UNN


Against the backdrop of the new law on mobilization, territorial recruitment centers are likely to be unable to update the data of all men registered for military service.

According to the new law on mobilization, all men of conscription age should update their credentials within 60 days of the start of mobilization through administrative service centers (ASCs), the conscript's electronic cabinet, or territorial recruitment centers (TRCs). However, currently, only the TCCs are operating out of all these options, but they are unlikely to have time to process the data of all persons liable for military service within the timeframe established by law. This is stated in the material, reports UNN.


The analysts have prepared several scenarios where they modeled how fast former military registration and enlistment offices should update the data of men who come there.

IMPORTANT: the modeling is based on approximate figures from the study of the mobilization reserve.

It is noted that in , the first modeling option, one TCC, with the current number of reception hours, should update data for 800 men in an hour. This option, according to the authors of the study, is unrealistic.

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In another option, if the centers work for 8 hours per day for 60 days, they will have to update the data of only 100 persons liable for military service per hour. This is a simpler option, but still not feasible. 


It is noted that according to the Ministry of Defense, 178 TCCs are currently operating in Ukraine . If the ASCs and the e-cabinet do not start working, the TCCs will have to serve approximately 7,904,000 men. 

The authors of the study remind us that according to the new law , all men subject to military service, which means all men aged 18 to 60, except for those who have been deregistered, must come to the military registration and enlistment office within 60 days to clarify their data.

Analysts modeled three scenarios in which TCCs receive citizens for more or less hours.

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Scenario 1 

According to the current schedule, most Kyiv TCCs receive citizens only 8 hours a week (twice a week from 9:00 to 13:00).

Under this scenario, one average Ukrainian MCC should serve approximately 1110 visitors per day. And to register 693.8 persons liable for military service per hour (given that they have an average of only 1.6 reception hours per day). 

Scenario 2

TCCs will update the data for 40 working hours a week, i.e. 8 hours every day, except for weekends. In this case, 139 people will need to be registered per hour.

Scenario 3

TCCs will serve citizens for 8 hours a day, seven days a week for 60 days. In this case, they have to register 93 men per hour. 

Even if they work seven days a week, the MCCs will not be able to accept all men liable for military service. The most likely scenario is that, faced with huge queues, a significant number of men will not go to register, as it is impossible to do so

- the authors of the study write. 

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At the same time, the researchers admit that they did not take all factors into account. In particular, none of the scenarios includes an option to update data in the ASC or electronic cabinet, as it is not yet known how this will work. 

In addition, the modeling does not take into account that many people will have to go to the MCC more than once. As an example, to pass a medical commission, one should: arrive at the center, receive a referral to the MCC or MSEC, pass the commission, and return to the MCC to provide a medical opinion.

Another problem is that state institutions are closed during the air raid. In some regions, the centers continue to work, ignoring the danger, and in some places they close and stop accepting citizens.

The authors of the study emphasize that the state should minimize the number of people who must physically appear at the TCC under the new law.

Most likely, the parliament will be forced to make such changes to the law when the authorities see the collapse near the TCC, the hostile information campaigns provoked by it, and simply emotional posts and videos by users on social networks 

- analysts are confident. 


The law on mobilization was published in the official newspaper of the Verkhovna Rada, Holos Ukrainy, on April 17, and will come into effect one month after the day following its publication. That is, the new law will come into effect on May 18.

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