Ukrainians prefer joining NATO to EU membership - poll

Ukrainians prefer joining NATO to EU membership - poll

Kyiv  •  UNN


According to the KIIS, 46% of Ukrainians consider joining NATO a top priority, while 22% support the EU. During the year, the number of those who do not support membership in any union increased from 12% to 22%.

Ukrainians prioritize joining NATO over the EU, despite the fact that support for this choice has declined slightly over the past year. This is evidenced by the results of a poll conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS), UNN reports.


According to the survey, in December 2024, 46% of Ukrainians consider joining NATO to be Ukraine's top foreign policy priority. At the same time, only 22% of respondents prefer membership in the European Union. Despite the fact that both alliances are important to the majority of citizens, the North Atlantic Alliance remains a priority, due to the desire of Ukrainians to have reliable security guarantees amid the ongoing war.


"It is also worth noting that over the past year, the number of those who say that membership in any union should not be a priority has increased (12% in October 2023 and 22% in December 2024). At the same time, there are fewer people who say NATO membership (54% before and 46% now) (for the EU, the figures have hardly changed)," the report says.



This publication uses data from three KIIS surveys conducted in 2024 (all conducted by telephone interviews and representing the adult population of the government-controlled territories of Ukraine) to illustrate that Ukrainians' attitudes toward the EU and NATO have different dimensions.


Earlier , UNN wrotethat 69% of Ukrainians support joining the EU, which is 14% more than in February 2022. The highest support is among young people and residents of the western and central regions.