The sunken Russian ship Ursa Major was carrying critical equipment for loading Kalibriv - Pletenchuk

The sunken Russian ship Ursa Major was carrying critical equipment for loading Kalibriv - Pletenchuk

Kyiv  •  UNN


The Russian ship Ursa Major, which sank off the coast of Spain, was carrying important equipment for loading Kalibr missiles. Due to the lack of such equipment, Russia was unable to load missiles in Novorossiysk for six months.

The Russian merchant ship Ursa Major, which sank in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Spain, was carrying quite sophisticated and expensive equipment that allowed Russia to load Kalibr missiles on its ships. This was stated by the spokesman for the Ukrainian Navy Dmytro Pletenchuk during a telethon, UNN reports .


It should be noted that he is actually a veteran of military transportation, he was involved in the work of the so-called “Syrian Express,” meaning that he was actually constantly delivering everything necessary for the existence of the military base in Tartus. It is known that it was taking Russian Federation from there. Some experts call it the transport flagship of Russian defense logistics because it was a rather large, versatile dry cargo ship that could carry a variety of cargo of any type. You can see that it was transporting equipment, quite expensive equipment, quite complex equipment. Of course, it was foreign-made, because Russians don't make this kind of equipment themselves. And let me remind you that for the last six months, due to the lack of such equipment, they could not load Kalibrs in Novorossiysk, for example, to understand how important this equipment was

- Pletenchuk said.

He noted that he could not yet say what caused the shipwreck.

“I can say that an incident occurred in the engine room. Two crew members were killed. Yes, as a result of this accident, they lost the ship. That's why this loss is quite heavy for the Russians,” Pletenchuk added.


The Russian merchant ship Ursa Major sank in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Spain. Fourteen crew members were taken to the port of Cartagena, and two more are missing.

The owner of the Russian bulk carrier Ursa Majorthat sank in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Spain has reported a “terrorist attack” on the vessel.