The situation on the northern border remains tense, but controlled-Mysnik

The situation on the northern border remains tense, but controlled-Mysnik

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 20 2024, 08:49 AM  •  35304 views

The situation on the northern border remains tense, but is controlled by the Defense Forces.

In the north, the Defense Forces try to defeat the enemy on their territory, on the approach of the DRG to the border, and this succeeds. In general, the situation on the northern border remains tense, but completely controlled by the Defense Forces.

This was announced by the speaker of the operational and tactical group of troops "Seversk" Vadim Misnik on the air of the telethon, the correspondent of UNN reports.

The operational situation on the northern border remains tense, but is fully controlled by the Defense Forces. The enemy adheres to its own tactics. First of all, this is the shelling of border settlements along the entire state border

Misnik said.

He noted that the intensity of shelling in Sumy region has slightly decreased.

In the Sumy direction, we see a decrease in the number of attacks, but this does not always reflect the situation, because sometimes there are fewer attacks, but more explosions. It depends on what kind of weapons are used, or multiple launch rocket systems, or from helicopters with unguided missiles, this has become less. That is, for the most part, the enemy actively uses FPV drones, attack UAVs, mortars

Misnik said.

He also commented on the activity of Russian DRGS.

As for the activity of the DRG, now the technical means that we use in the system of our defense of the northern border allow us to detect such attempts in a timely manner. We are trying to defeat the enemy already on their territory, on the approach to the border, and we are quite successful in this

Misnik said.

Number of attacks decreases in Sumy region - OTU "Siversk"June 16 2024, 09:25 AM • 88764 views