Mars retrograde: how complicated and dangerous this period is

Mars retrograde: how complicated and dangerous this period is

Kyiv  •  UNN


From December 5, 2024 to February 25, 2025 Mars will be in retrograde motion. Astrologer warns about three particularly stressful periods and gives recommendations on behavior during this time.

Professional astrologer Ksenia Bazilenko especially for readers of UNN told about the challenging period of Mars retrograde, which will affect our lives in the coming months.

Mars retrograde begins on December 5, 2024 and will last until February 25, 2025. Mars retrograde occurs once every two years.

The planet Mars in astrology is responsible for our willpower, for our way of realizing our plans and reactions to both internal and external circumstances, the ability to defend ourselves in an aggressive environment, also for our speed of action, initiative and activity

- explained the astrologer.

Mars is the main planet of the sign Aries, which signifies the energy and power of our life - it is the first impulse of the universe from which our life began.

“Retrograde Mars creates obstacles to any of our actions, breaks our plans, gives excessive irritability and impulsiveness to our behavior. Sometimes it will be difficult for us to adequately evaluate our behavior and actions.

We are more likely to indulge in momentary emotions, outbursts of anger, which cause us to suffer later. During Mars retrograde, we will encounter resistance in the realization of plans: everything from people to circumstances and events can interfere with us. And the more we put forth effort, pressure, and rigor, the more we bounce back, and the results of our actions may not always be positive. This is especially true in matters where change, moves or risks have to be taken. All active endeavors will require more effort and greater loss of energy,” says Ksenia Basilenko.

You should not in this period: do repairs, buy equipment, get into conflicts. In sports, you may be injured, so do not overload yourself during training. Cautiously approach surgical interventions.

“Also we should not hope for quick results and take big risks.  Litigation and sharp conflicts can be particularly difficult, but this is a good time to appeal, those legal problems that last for years can be successfully resolved. And you can also go back to old conflicts and resolve them diplomatically,” says the astrologer.

Ksenia Basilenko also told how you can turn the power of Mars retrograde in your favor.

For example, a good solution would be not to spend a lot of energy on new things, to stay calm and learn to control your psychological, emotional state. It is necessary to rethink your capabilities and strength. It is a very good time to work on your mistakes, especially if they were made in the process of quarrel or conflict. This is a great time to evaluate your capabilities, strength and courage. But before you do anything - think about what consequences your actions will have in the future, try to make those steps that you consider most effective

- told the astrologer.

The most dangerous aspect of Mars, according to Ksenia Bazilenko, during this period is its opposition with Pluto. The most dangerous aspect of Mars during this period, according to Ksenia Basilenko, is its opposition to Pluto.

Such opposition of planets we observed when Mars was still preparing for retrograde motion, and it was the end of October - beginning of November. During this period we observed tension on the front, and in many countries during this period elections were held. As the astrologer notes, the winners of elections held during this time may leave office early.

In addition, as the astrologer said, Mars will be in the sign of Leo until January 5, and it is associated with power and bright leaders. During this period, we may see the return of leaders we already know. Celebrities we haven't heard from in a long time may also suddenly appear.

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“Also in this period can go those dictators or negative leaders who have long caused aggression in everyone. Now, at the beginning of Mars retrograde we see the conflict in Georgia, where the new government did not find the recognition of the people. This may happen in other countries of the world,” the astrologer suggested.

After January 5, Mars will enter Cancer, where it will remain until April 18, after which it will return to Leo. The sign of Cancer in astrology is associated with lineage and ancestral traditions. In international relations, it can manifest as an emphasis on national security and territorial integrity. Once again, Mars retrograde will bring us back to these issues in a rather intense way.

“The second time Mars will be in retrograde opposition to Pluto will be January 3rd, plus or minus a week. All of the same situations that happened in November could happen again; worsening military situations, conflict tensions. Where people feel powerful pressure, there may be riots and protests, and in some countries this may lead to a large-scale confrontation,” Ksenia Basilenko said.

For the third time, Mars, already in its direct motion, will be in opposition to Pluto on April 27 (give or take a week). Then we are again in for a period of increased tension and aggression.

“On January 16, 2025, we will also observe the Sun in opposition to retrograde Mars. During this period we will face our aggression and our inner resistances, the problems we have accumulated in ourselves. At best, we will already be able to see the result of our actions and rethink our mistakes.

Also a busy period is April 25th, give or take about a week. We will also observe a grand cross in the sky consisting of Mars, the Sun, Pluto, and the black Moon Lilith. We will feel that there is a lot of tension building up in the world. It is necessary in this period to get away from aggression and negativity. Natural cataclysms are probable in this period,” the astrologer believes.

A positive period will be during the solar eclipse on March 29th, 2025 and until April 10th a large support from Saturn, Venus, Mercury and the Sun will form for Mars.

Especially during the solar eclipse, it can lead us from April and until the end of 2025 to find a way out of their current difficult and aggressive situations

- the astrologer suggests.