Macron dissolves French parliament and calls for new elections

Macron dissolves French parliament and calls for new elections

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 9 2024, 07:35 PM  •  58146 views

French President Macron dissolved the country's parliament and announced the holding of parliamentary elections on June 30 and July 7 after unsatisfactory results of pro-European parties in the European elections, citing a threat from far-right nationalist parties.

French President Macron has dissolved the country's Parliament. This is reported by Le Monde, reports UNN.


French President Emmanuel Macron decided to dissolve the French parliament and announced the holding of parliamentary elections on June 30 and July 7. This decision was made after evaluating the results, which showed an unsatisfactory conclusion for parties that support the ideas of Europe.

The president acknowledged that the results of the European elections revealed a threat to far-right parties that are actively promoting their positions on the continent. He believes that this threatens the progress made thanks to Europe.

The emergence of nationalists and demagogues is a danger to our nation, as well as to our Europe, to France's place in Europe and the world

- stressed  Emmanuel Macron

Macron believes that this step will once again give citizens the opportunity to choose the country's future in Parliament. He called for the strengthening of democracy and is confident in the determination of the French people to fight for their values and the future of Europe.

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