Cloudy and warm: weather forecast for today
Kyiv • UNN
On January 8, Ukraine is expected to have cloudy weather with clearings and local precipitation in the form of rain. The daytime temperature will range from +3 to +14 degrees, with the warmest temperatures in the south of the country.
Today, January 8, it will be cloudy in Ukraine with clearings. In some places, light precipitation is expected, mostly in the form of rain. This was reported by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, UNN reports.
According to weather forecasters, there will be light precipitation in the western, in the morning and afternoon in some places and in the northern, most central and Kharkiv regions, mostly in the form of rain, moderate rain with sleet at night in Zakarpattia and the Carpathians, and no precipitation in the rest of the country.
In the western regions, there is icy conditions on the roads.
South, southwest wind, 7-12 m/s, in the Carpathians, during the day in the Crimea and Azov Sea gusts of 15-20 m/s in some places.
The temperature will be 3-8°C during the day. In the south of the country, Kirovohrad and Dnipropetrovs'k regions, the temperature will be 9-14° C during the day.
Weather in Kyiv and Kyiv region
In Kyiv region, it will also be cloudy with clearings today. No precipitation at night, light rain in the morning and afternoon. Southwest wind, 7-12 m/s.
The temperature during the day is 3-8° Celsius.
The temperature in Kyiv is 5-7° during the day.