Brazil unveils super cow worth 4 4 million, which is considered unusual

Brazil unveils super cow worth 4 4 million, which is considered unusual

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 5 2024, 12:57 PM  •  111389 views

There are hundreds of millions of cows in Brazil, but one of them is special. Her huge snow-white body is guarded by cameras and an armed security guard. Viatina-19 FIV Mara is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records due to its unusual weight.

У Бразилії виявлена особлива корова, яка подвічі важча за середньостатистичну дорослу особу своєї породи. Зовсім випадково, що була занесена в Книгу рекордів Гіннеса, як наїзниця, передаю АНН з повідомлень на CBS News.


There are hundreds of millions of cows in Brazil, but one of them is special. The Viatina-19 IV Mara Movéis cow, valued at 4 4 million, is the most expensive cow ever sold at auction. At 1,100 kilograms (over 2,400 pounds), it weighs twice as much as the average adult of its breed. This case is already in the Guinness Book of World Records.


Currently, along the highway in Brazil, the owners of "Viatina-19" have placed two billboards praising its greatness and encouraging people to make a pilgrimage to see the supercor.


The livestock industry is the main source of economic development in Brazil. The government seeks to conquer new export markets. The world's largest beef exporter is looking to increase the popularity of beef.

Viatina - 19 FIV is the epitome of Brazilian ambitions in the field of animal husbandry - many years of efforts to breed more meat cows. The winners are sold at high - stakes auctions-so high that wealthy ranch owners even share ownership.

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