Zelensky on Ukraine's “victory plan”: it does not depend on Russia

Zelensky on Ukraine's “victory plan”: it does not depend on Russia

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 5 2024, 10:18 AM  •  22388 views

President Zelenskyy said that Ukraine's “victory plan” can be realized thanks to international partners, not Russia. He plans to present this plan to President Biden and other American politicians.

"Ukraine's Victory Plan does not depend on Russia. It can be implemented with the help of international partners. This was announced by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with NBC News, according to a correspondent of UNN .

I wanted to show the 'victory plan' to President Biden, but I wanted to show it after we had success in Kursk, so I didn't do it before that

 ,” Zelensky said.

Zelenskyy said he would definitely show Biden this plan.

I will definitely show him this - our understanding of how things should be, how Ukraine can win. I built this plan on the premise that it can be realized thanks to our partners, not thanks to the will or unwillingness of the Russian Federation. It was very important to me that no one would say in the dialog later on: will Russia go for it or not. This plan does not depend on them. And this is the choice of our partners, whether they agree that Ukraine should win or whether they are not ready for our victory, but are only ready to contain Putin

- Zelensky explained.

The President added that he wants to find this answer for the Ukrainian people as well.


Earlier, Zelenskyy reported that he  plans to present a "plan for Ukraine's victory"to US President Joe Biden in September. He also wants to show it to candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

Zelenskiy said that Kyiv plans to hold the seized territories of Russia until Russian President Vladimir Putin agrees to negotiations.