Prince Harry and his wife have no plans to leave the United States

Prince Harry and his wife have no plans to leave the United States

Kyiv  •  UNN


The Duke of Sussex said that he and Meghan Markle plan to stay in the United States because of the safety and future of their children. The family has been living in Montecito, California, since 2020 after leaving the royal family.

Герцог Сассекський, принц Гаррі поділився, що він і його дружина  Меган Маркл  не планують повертатися до Сполученого Королівства зі своїми дітьми Арчі та Лілібет, пише УНН з посиланням на газета "Дейлі Мейл".


At the  annual DealBook summit, the Duke of Sussex said the main reason to stay in the States is because of the safety factor and the future of his and Meghan Markle's children. The Sussex family has been calling Montecito, California, their home since the summer of 2020 – after they fled the UK and the royal family. 

I really like living here and raising my children here

- this is Prince Harry speaking.

Also, according to the Duke, in the United States, he can engage in activities with his children that he would not be able to do in the UK. And now he's focused on being a better husband and a better dad.


Prince Harry may inherit 8 million pounds from the Queen Mother trust fund for his 40th birthday on September 15. The £ 19 million fund was created withfor the Queen's great-grandchildren,from whom Harry can get a larger share.