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Currency exchange rates as of March 21: The NBU left the hryvnia at the same level

The National Bank of Ukraine has set the official hryvnia exchange rate for March 21 at UAH 39. 1399/USD and UAH 42.43/EUR.

Economy • March 21 2024, 08:43 AM  •  30075 views
Currency exchange rates as of March 21: The NBU left the hryvnia at the same level

Stretch ceiling and everything about its use in a residential area

Stretch ceiling and everything about its use in a residential area.

Business News • March 21 2024, 08:40 AM  •  102023 views
Stretch ceiling and everything about its use in a residential area

Missile attack on Kyiv: Kuleba calls on the US Congress to unblock aid to Ukraine

Amid Russia's missile attack on Kyiv, Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba called on the U. S. Congress to unblock aid to Ukraine to save lives, protect freedom and defeat Russian terror.

War • March 21 2024, 08:39 AM  •  34082 views
Missile attack on Kyiv: Kuleba calls on the US Congress to unblock aid to Ukraine

The NBU wants to change the "5-7-9%" lending program and reorient it to finance investment projects

The National Bank of Ukraine recommends reorienting the program "Affordable Loans at 5-7-9%" from working capital financing to supporting investment projects, limiting working capital financing to vulnerable sectors and critical industries.

Economy • March 21 2024, 08:36 AM  •  26513 views
The NBU wants to change the "5-7-9%" lending program and reorient it to finance investment projects

Gathering intelligence for the occupiers: Zaporizhzhia university student detained

A student of Zaporizhzhia University was detained for collecting intelligence on Ukrainian military units and critical infrastructure for Russian curators, passing the information through her godmother.

War • March 21 2024, 08:36 AM  •  26265 views
Gathering intelligence for the occupiers: Zaporizhzhia university student detained

Number of victims of rocket attack in Kyiv region increased to four, 6 settlements damaged by shrapnel - OVA

Four people were injured as a result of a massive Russian missile attack on Kyiv region. Fires broke out and there is damage in 6 settlements in the region.

War • March 21 2024, 08:31 AM  •  101437 views
Number of victims of rocket attack in Kyiv region increased to four, 6 settlements damaged by shrapnel - OVA

"Such terror continues every day and night. It is possible to put an end to it through global unity, when it helps us with air defense": Zelensky showed a video of the aftermath of Russia's attack on Kyiv

Zelensky reacts to Russia's massive missile attack on Kyiv.

War • March 21 2024, 08:20 AM  •  61491 views
"Such terror continues every day and night. It is possible to put an end to it through global unity, when it helps us with air defense": Zelensky showed a video of the aftermath of Russia's attack on Kyiv

Russians fired on 5 settlements in Sumy region: 12 attacks and 5 air strikes

At night and in the morning, Russian troops carried out 12 attacks and 5 air strikes on the border areas and settlements of Sumy region, targeting Khotyn, Bilopil, Krasnopil, Velykopysariv and Seredina-Buda districts.

War • March 21 2024, 08:15 AM  •  47892 views
Russians fired on 5 settlements in Sumy region: 12 attacks and 5 air strikes

Gumenyuk: Russia has increased the activity of unmanned reconnaissance, trying to compensate for the absence of A-50

Russia has increased its unmanned reconnaissance activity in the south to 147 units per day in an attempt to compensate for the absence of A-50 aircraft, said Natalia Gumenyuk, head of the Joint Coordination Press Center of the Southern Ukrainian Defense Forces.

War • March 21 2024, 08:12 AM  •  27343 views
Gumenyuk: Russia has increased the activity of unmanned reconnaissance, trying to compensate for the absence of A-50

In Kharkiv, the number of wounded due to enemy attack increased to 10

Ten people were wounded and five killed in a rocket attack on Kharkiv on March 20.

War • March 21 2024, 08:08 AM  •  28093 views
In Kharkiv, the number of wounded due to enemy attack increased to 10