107 years ago: how the Trident became the national symbol of Ukraine
Kyiv • UNN
On February 25, 1918, the Ukrainian Central Rada approved the Trident as the emblem of the Ukrainian People's Republic. The decision was made in Korosten, when Kyiv was under the occupation of Bolshevik Russia.
107 years ago, the Ukrainian Central Rada adopted a decision approving the Trident as the emblem of the Ukrainian People's Republic, UNN reports.
107 years ago, on February 25, 1918, the Ukrainian Central Rada adopted a decision approving the Trident as the emblem of the Ukrainian People's Republic. This historic event took place in Korosten, as Kyiv was occupied by Bolshevik Russia at the time. The minutes of the meeting of February 25, 1918, specifically refer to the adoption of a decision on the state emblem of Ukraine: "The emblem of the Ukrainian People's Republic is the sign of the Kyivan State of the time of Volodymyr the Holy.

The UPR coat of arms has since become one of the three official symbols of the Ukrainian state, along with the national flag and anthem. The trident was used as a state symbol by the UPR before and after the rule of Pavlo Skoropadskyi and by the UPR government in exile. On February 19, 1992, almost six months after the declaration of Ukraine's independence, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved the Trident as the Small Emblem of Ukraine, defining it as the main element of the Great State Emblem.

The word "coat of arms" comes from the German erbe (inheritance) and means an emblem, an inherited sign, a combination of figures and objects that expresses the historical traditions of the owner. The national emblem is a symbol that represents a country as a sovereign independent state. It is depicted on official documents, seals, money and postage stamps, service certificates, stamps, and letterheads of government agencies. In the world practice, there is no strict regulation of the creation of state coats of arms. The practice of their design is based on the national traditions of a particular country.
During the events of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921, the issue of the colors of the Ukrainian flag was resolved quite quickly. The situation with the coat of arms of the Ukrainian People's Republic was more complicated. In the two large mass demonstrations that took place in March 1917, one could see several coats of arms that the participants of the marches tried to present as a symbol of Ukraine: a yellow lion on a blue background, a combined coat of arms with a lion and the archangel Michael, a Cossack with a musket, an eagle on a blue background, and even a crescent with stars and a cross above it - only the blue and yellow colors remained unconditional.

In this regard, the chairman of the Central Rada, the most authoritative Ukrainian historian, Mykhailo Hrushevsky, wrote a special article in the newspaper Narodna Volya on September 16, 1917. He emphasized, first of all, that Ukraine had never had a permanent coat of arms. Among the symbols that could play this role, he singled out the Trident of Kievan Rus, the bow or crossbow known from the Kyiv seals of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and the Cossack with a musket depicted on the seals of the Zaporizhzhian Army.

In December 1917, a sample of the first state credit card was approved. Its official description reads: "the grid of the front part of the ticket consists of wavy lines; and it has white prints of the Vladimir sign." Thus, de facto, the image of the trident was first included in the official documents of the Ukrainian People's Republic. On February 25, 1918, the Council of Ministers decided to submit to the Rada a law on the approval of the "coat of arms of Vladimir the Great adopted by the Navy" as the state emblem of the Ukrainian People's Republic. On March 1 of the same year, in the city of Korosten, the Rada approved this coat of arms. In 2006, a memorial monument was erected at the Korosten train station, where the coat of arms was approved in the headquarters car of the UPR government train.
Nowadays, during the Ukrainian resistance to the criminal full-scale armed invasion of Russia, the Ukrainian trident as the official symbol of our country embodies the connection between generations of the Ukrainian people, their aspiration for their own statehood, unity and independence. The Ukrainian coat of arms symbolizes the resilience, courage and heroism demonstrated by the entire Ukrainian people in the fight against the aggressor and for the Victory.

February 25 is also the International Day of Cochlear Implantation.

International Cochlear Implant Day is celebrated around the world to show people with hearing impairments how effective modern technologies used in implantation are today. A cochlear implant is a medical device used to restore hearing in people with significant hearing loss or deafness. Cochlear implantation is a surgical procedure during which a cochlear implant is placed under the skin in the behind-the-ear area. An audio processor is placed in the hair or on the outside of the ear, and a flexible electrode is implanted in the inner ear. Thus, the inserted electrodes replace the affected hair cells of the inner ear and create conditions for converting the sound signal into an electrical impulse perceived by the brain.

In Poland, the first operation to restore hearing to a deaf person using this technology was performed by Professor Henrik Skarzynski on July 16, 1992. The world's first operation was performed in Paris by French otosurgeon Charles Eyries in collaboration with medical physicist Andre Djourno on February 25, 1957. The device that was implanted did not make it possible to understand speech. The implantation gave only a sense of sounds from the environment, and due to the patient's general disappointment, the implant was removed. Despite the limited technical capabilities of the device, the scientists saw great potential in the experiment.
Pets can improve the health of your children - study31.01.24, 06:30 • 25824 views

In addition, the last Tuesday of February is World Pet Sterilization Day. This day is meant to draw attention to the importance of this procedure for animal health and controlling the number of stray dogs and cats. This event was first celebrated in 1995 as Spay/Neuter Day in the United States, initiated by Doris Day and the Doris Day Animal League (DDAL) to help eliminate the problem of stray pets. Following the merger of DDAL with the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) in 2006, the tradition continued under the auspices of HSUS as World Animal Sterilization Day.

In 2002, the goal of the event was to sterilize 200,000 pets across the United States. The Doris Day Animal Foundation (DDAF) reports that since 2008, they have allocated $385,000 to sterilize 9,411 animals in 39 states: 6,388 cats, 3,007 dogs and 26 rabbits. Many other organizations and individuals around the world provide financial support, volunteer and participate in fundraising activities for World No Kill Day events.
Church holidays: February 25 - the Feast of the Publican and Pharisee; St. Tarasius, Archbishop of Tsargrad.