Ukraine evacuates 68 more people from Lebanon: intelligence details the mission

Ukraine evacuates 68 more people from Lebanon: intelligence details the mission

Kyiv  •  UNN

October 9 2024, 03:49 PM  •  7465 views

The fourth stage of evacuation from Lebanon: 28 Ukrainians and 40 foreigners from 7 countries were rescued. A total of 302 people have been evacuated since the start of the operation, including 217 Ukrainians and 85 foreigners.

The fourth stage of evacuation from Lebanon has taken place. 28 Ukrainians and citizens of 7 other countries were rescued. The operation was carried out by the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, UNN reports.

"On October 9, 2024, on the instructions of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the fourth stage of evacuation from Lebanon, where the security and economic situation had deteriorated, was carried out: Ukrainians and citizens of 7 other countries were rescued. The operation was carried out by the DIU and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine," the DIU said.

According to intelligence, the plane from Beirut airport has already landed in Rzeszow, Poland: 28 Ukrainians - 19 adults and 9 children - have been evacuated. They are on their way to Ukraine. We also managed to take two dogs - Ukrainians take care of their pets.

As part of the mission, Ukraine also helped 40 foreigners from 7 countries to leave Lebanon - 26 adults and 14 children. Thanks to Ukraine's actions, the citizens were safe:

Argentina - 6 people;

Mexico - 6;

Moldova - 8;

Romania - 1;

Czech Republic - 5;

Colombia - 2;

Lebanon has 12.

"Thanks to coordination with international partners and the support of friendly states, the operation was carried out promptly and without complications.

We are grateful to the authorities of the Republic of Poland for their assistance in the evacuation," the statement said.

The DIU reminded that during the previous three missions, 234 people were taken out of the Middle Eastern country: 189 Ukrainian citizens and 45 foreigners. In total, as of October 9, 2024, 302 people have been evacuated from the Lebanese Republic - 217 Ukrainians and 85 citizens of other states.

Employees of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine continue to work actively to provide assistance to our citizens in Lebanon.

Those who wish to use the state's assistance in intelligence are advised to contact the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Lebanon by phone (+961) 5921668 or by e-mail: [email protected].

A round-the-clock hotline of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is also available at +38-044-238-16-57.