The annual political rating in Germany is headed by the Minister of Defense

The annual political rating in Germany is headed by the Minister of Defense

Kyiv  •  UNN

December 24 2023, 10:53 PM  •  35476 views

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius leads the annual political rating with 42% of support, ahead of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who lost 10 points to 26%.

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius topped the annual political rating in Germany. These are the results of a public opinion poll published by the Bild am Sonntag, UNN reports.

42% of respondents would like Pistorius to have as much influence as possible influence on state policy in 2024. At the same time, 38% of respondents have the opposite opinion. is the opposite.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (41% of support).

The leader of the opposition and head of the parliamentary faction of the conservative CDU/CSU bloc, Friedrich Merz received 33% of support.

The rating of Foreign Minister Annalena Burbock has deteriorated, with 29% of respondents supporting her. Her colleague from the Green Party Minister of Economy Robert Habek lost 5% and has 27% of supporters among among the respondents.

Minister of Finance Christian Lindner also lost 5%, his rating is 28%.

At the same time, the rating of Chancellor Olaf Scholz fell by as much as 10 points to 26% compared to last year. He has already been called the "most unloved" head of government.

As for the parties, 32% of respondents support the CDU/CSU, the right-wing radical Alternative for Germany 22%, the Social Democratic Party 15%, the Greens 12%, the Free Democratic Party 7%, and the Left only 4%.

The survey, which was conducted from December 18 to 22, involved 1202 people took part in the survey. The maximum margin of error is +/- 2.5%.