Pletenchuk: Occupied Crimea was quite densely saturated with aircraft - Pletenchuk

Pletenchuk: Occupied Crimea was quite densely saturated with aircraft - Pletenchuk

Kyiv  •  UNN

May 16 2024, 06:53 AM  •  102015 views

The temporarily occupied Crimea was densely populated with aviation, and the Russians, unable to patrol the coastal waters with ships, used the air component more.

The temporarily occupied Crimea was quite densely packed with air assets. Russians, unable to go to sea and patrol the coastal waters, use the air component more. This was announced by the spokesman for the Southern Defense Forces Dmytro Pletenchuk during a telethon on Thursday, according to a correspondent of UNN.


"We can't announce any details at the moment, because I don't have any verified information on these cases at the moment," Pletenchuk said, commenting on the night attack on the Belbek airfield.

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When asked what else could be at the Belbek airfield besides fighter jets, Pletenchuk replied: "The airfield usually also has an air defense system, the one that is "unparalleled in the world", as a rule, and, in addition, this structure is always quite complex because it consists of many elements. These can include storage warehouses, command posts, and control centers. In theory, it can be anything, in principle.

He also commented on the number of aircraft in the temporarily occupied Crimea.

Even the Black Sea Fleet has aviation units, and the range of these assets is quite wide, from helicopters of various models to tactical aircraft... Their fleet consists of a fairly large number of different models, and one can only guess, because there are constant redeployments and the quantitative and qualitative composition is constantly changing, but Crimea was quite densely populated with aircraft

- Pletenchuk said.

He noted that the Russians, unable to go out to sea and patrol the water area, the coastal waters, use the air component more.

"In this context, there are no ships at sea, no missile carriers, but it is precisely due to the large number of aircraft in the air that they are trying to compensate for the absence of these elements, namely patrolling, reconnaissance, and even such cases as the use of tactical aircraft as patrol aircraft or even for reconnaissance," Pletenchuk said.

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