October 7: International Day of the Doctor, World Cotton Day

October 7: International Day of the Doctor, World Cotton Day

Kyiv  •  UNN

October 7 2024, 03:09 AM  •  4366 views

According to scientists, the first attempts of people to practice medicine were recorded about 30 thousand years ago. In the 18th and 19th centuries, medicine began to acquire modern features, as many scientific discoveries and inventions were made.

Today, on the first Monday of October, doctors in many countries of the world celebrate their professional holiday, UNN reports.

According to scientists, the first attempts of people to engage in medical business were recorded about 30 thousand years ago.

The most famous physician of Ancient Egypt, Imhotep, had progressive views, as he considered human diseases not a punishment  of the gods, but a natural phenomenon.

Doctors in ancient Greece paid more attention to cause and effect, disease symptoms, and different treatments. The legendary Hippocrates first studied mathematics and botany, but later became interested in the study of the human body and eventually laid the foundation for modern medicine.

In the XVIII - XIX centuries, medicine began to acquire modern features, because many scientific discoveries and inventions were made.  doctors have made rapid progress in the diagnosis and Prevention of diseases, as well as in understanding what bacteria and viruses are.

Also, on the first Monday of October, architects from all over the world celebrate their professional holiday.

Some scientists believe that space planning and interior design have a certain impact on the mood, productivity, and even health of building occupants. Research confirms that working in a well-planned space yields better results than working in an uncomfortable office. Concrete landscapes and monotonous buildings lacking the slightest hint of imagination cause stress.

With this in mind, the role of architects in society can hardly be overestimated. Their work combines science with creativity. Designing a building requires taking into account many factors, ranging from sociological to psychological.

October 7 is also Cotton Day. However, not the kind of "cotton" that Russians occasionally get in their regions and occupied territories, but cotton as a raw material.

The event was launched in 2019 at the initiative of four African cotton-producing countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali. Its goal is to show that cotton is not just a raw material and a commodity, but also a source of livelihood for millions of people around the world. After all, cotton production is the backbone of the economies of many least developed countries.

Today you can still join the events on the occasion of the World Day for Decent Work.

The World Day for Decent Work has become a global response of trade unions to the anti-social actions of governments and transnational corporations, their disregard for the rights of employees during financial and economic crises.  

The term "decent work" acquired its practical meaning in 1999. Decent work means compliance with internationally recognized norms and principles in the field of Labor, expanding the scale of social protection for all employees, strengthening interaction between state bodies, employers ' organizations and employees, and social dialogue in solving major socio-economic problems.

October 7 is also the International Trigeminal Neuralgia Awareness Day - trigeminal neuralgia.

The trigeminal nerve comes to the surface near the temple and divides into three branches: the ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular.

Because trigeminal neuralgia is a rare disease, patients are often misdiagnosed at first. It is most often diagnosed in women over 50 years of age.

In 70% of clinical cases, a right-sided lesion is diagnosed, 29% are left-sided localization and another 1% are bilateral neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia is the most painful condition compared to other types of pain.

Today also marks the start of Dyslexia Awareness Week.

This disorder was first identified by the German physician Oswald Berkhahn in 1881. Berkhahn discovered the existence of the reading disorder while studying the case of a young boy. The child had serious problems learning to read and write correctly, despite the fact that he was generally intelligent, intellectually and physically developed.

Dyslexia has different forms-someone only confuses the letters in words, and someone can not perceive the written text at all and write it himself. About half of all dyslexics are left – handed.

According to various estimates, 10% of the population suffers from some degree of dyslexia.

According to the church calendar, today is the Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs Sergius and Bacchus.

The men served in the army and secretly professed Christianity. When the ruler found out about this, he was very angry. Sergius and Bacchus were stripped of all their honors and sent into exile in Syria.

There they were captured by pagans. Bacchus died of torture, and Sergius was beheaded some time later.

Today Sergey, Demyan, Joseph, Leonty, Mark, Nikolai, and Pelageya celebrate their name days.