Nighttime drone attacks on Russian distilleries: video has been posted online

Nighttime drone attacks on Russian distilleries: video has been posted online

Kyiv  •  UNN

07:00 AM • 10915 views

Two distilleries are attacked in the Voronezh region of the Russian Federation, with explosions and fires. The Russian Defense Ministry announces the interception of 21 drones over four regions.

A video has been posted online following reports of new nighttime drone attacks on two distilleries in the Voronezh region of Russia, UNN reports.


According to the ASTRA telegram channel, the distillery in the village of Krasnoe, Voronezh region , was attacked for the second time in a month. This was reported by residents of the Novokhopersk district in chat rooms. Judging by eyewitness videos, at least two drones exploded near the plant, ASTRA reports.

Last time, Ethanol Spirits in Krasnoe village was attacked on the night of October 22, along with 3 other distilleries in Tula and Tambov regions, the telegram channel notes.

Later, ASTRA reported, citing local residents, that another enterprise is on fire after a UAV attack in the Voronezh region of Russia - at the Annenskoye distillery. There is no confirmation of the information yet, but earlier the head of the region reported damage to two industrial enterprises as a result of UAV attacks. The village of Anna is also home to the oil depot of Annanafteprodukt LLC, which was previously attacked by drones in early October, the telegram channel notes.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, 21 unmanned aerial vehicles were "destroyed" and "intercepted" by their air defense system overnight: 13 UAVs were "intercepted" over the territory of the Belgorod region, six over the territory of the Bryansk region, one over the territory of the Voronezh region and one over the territory of the Kursk region.