Mariupol's outpost: City Council shows what Azovstal looks like now

Mariupol's outpost: City Council shows what Azovstal looks like now

Kyiv  •  UNN

October 14 2024, 05:55 AM  •  12473 views

The Mariupol City Council has published a video of Azovstal, which has become a symbol of the heroic resistance of Ukrainian soldiers. The images show large-scale destruction from Russian shelling and bombardment.

The Mariupol City Council posted a video of Azovstal destroyed by Russian massive shelling and bombardment on Telegram, UNN reports

An outpost of Mariupol. The site of the heroic resistance of Ukrainian heroes to the Russian invasion. Traces of total shelling and massive bombardment testify to the scale of the tragedy and, at the same time, to the strength of the indomitable spirit of Ukrainian soldiers

- signed the video in the city council. 


The defense of Azovstal lasted  from March 18 to May 16 2022 on the territory of the Mariupol Azovstal metallurgical plant. This was part of the battle for Mariupol during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russian troops held the siege for a long time, and on May 16, the Ukrainian garrison surrendered on the orders of the state's top leadership.

The Russian invaders intend to create a "post-industrial park" on the site of Azovstal in occupied Mariupol. By doing so, they aim to destroy the memory of Ukrainian resistance and attract tourists.