IAEA experts once again heard explosions near the temporarily captured ZAES

IAEA experts once again heard explosions near the temporarily captured ZAES

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 7 2024, 08:45 PM  •  22358 views

IAEA experts stationed at the temporarily occupied Zaporizhia nuclear power plant heard explosions at some distance from the site, which reminds of the station's frontline location, and also noted that the plant's six reactors are in good condition and receive the necessary cooling water from underground wells.

Experts of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), who are located at the temporarily occupied Zaporizhia NPP (ZAES), reported that they heard explosions at some distance from the plant. This was reported on June 6 in a press release on the website of the International Atomic Energy Agency, reports UNN.


The agency's team continued to hear explosions at some distance from the ZAES site, which regularly reminds of the station's frontline location

it says in the report.

In addition, the team of the International Agency conducted another tour of the territory of Zaporizhia NPP, six reactors of which are in a state of "cold shutdown" and noted that the plant receives water for cooling necessary for the reactors — from 11 underground water wells that were built to supply water to sprinkler ponds.

The IAEA team also continues to closely monitor the activities of maintenance personnel at the plant, in particular, the experts visited the 750 KV open power distribution station and discussed the current maintenance of the relay protection of the transformer of reactor Unit No. 2:

IAEA experts saw that some of the elements of one of the 750 KV lines damaged in 2022 were dismantled. However, now representatives of ZAES do not plan to complete the repair, as the line remains inaccessible due to damage caused earlier, further from the site. Four 750 KV lines were available at Zaporizhia NPP before the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, but only one remained

noted in a press release.

The agency's team visited two fresh nuclear fuel storage facilities and the plant's reactor Turbine 6 building, but again did not gain access to the west side of the building.

Representatives of ZAES informed the IAEA experts about the state of radiation monitoring stations on the territory of Zaporizhia NPP and beyond. The group was informed that all four radiation monitoring stations at ZAES are operating, but three stations that are located outside the site remain damaged as a result of military operations

it says in the report.


Ukrainian energy minister Herman Galushchenko met with Director General of the International Nuclear Energy Agency Rafael Grossi and discussed the situation at the temporarily occupied Zaporizhia NPP.

Ядерна безпека і забезпечення роботи українських АЕС: Галущенко зустрівся із директором МАГАТЕJune 7 2024, 08:37 AM • 33815 views