Haiti's transitional council appoints UNICEF head as interim prime minister

Haiti's transitional council appoints UNICEF head as interim prime minister

Kyiv  •  UNN

May 29 2024, 08:19 AM  •  22597 views

Haiti's Transitional Council has appointed UNICEF Regional Director Harry Conille, a 58-year-old doctor who previously served as prime minister in 2011-2012, as the new interim prime minister to lead the country out of a political, security and humanitarian crisis.

Haiti is looking for a way out of political and humanitarian chaos: the day before, the Presidential Transitional Council of Haiti appointed 58-year-old doctor Harry Conille as the new interim prime minister, UNN reports with reference to France24 and Le Monde.


The Transitional Presidential Council of Haiti, which has been in the midst of a political, security and humanitarian crisis for a long time, has appointed UNICEF Regional Director Harry Conille as the new interim prime minister.


Harry Conille, a 58-year-old physician, served as Haiti's prime minister for six months between 2011 and 2012. He was appointed after the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry in March due to the outbreak of violence in the country.

The Transitional Presidential Council, established in April, is trying to solve a number of problems.

Haiti has been rocked for years by violence from heavily armed gangs that largely control the capital, Port-au-Prince. The situation escalated in late February, when an alliance of several gangs paralyzed the city with a series of violent acts. Among other things, they attacked police stations and released thousands of prisoners from jails.


The rebels did not allow then interim Prime Minister Ariel Henry to return from a trip abroad and forced him to resign.

The appointment of an interim prime minister is long overdue, Le Monde notes. Konil should pave the way for the first elections since 2016 as head of government.


Earlier UNN reported that the Haitian transitional council elected Edgar Leblanc, former president of the Senate, as its leader in early May.

In Haiti, in Oklahoma, thugs killed three Christian missionaries in their home.

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