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Currency exchange rate as of April 8: hryvnia strengthened by 18 kopecks

Currency exchange rate as of April 8: hryvnia strengthened by 18 kopecks

Kyiv • UNN


The National Bank of Ukraine has set the official hryvnia exchange rate at 38.8437 UAH/USD, strengthening the hryvnia by 18 kopecks.

As of today, the National Bank has set the official hryvnia exchange rate at 38.8437 UAH/USD, which strengthened it by 18 kopecks, UNN reports citing the NBU.


The official dollar exchange rate is 38.84 UAH/USD. The NBU also set the official euro to hryvnia exchange rate at 42.09 UAH/€.

According to the data on specialized websites, as of 9:10 am:

- The dollar can be bought for UAH 39.30 and sold for UAH 38.90 in banks.

- Euros can be bought for UAH 42.85 and sold for UAH 42.20 in banks.

- In exchange offices, the dollar is traded at UAH 39.15-39.30, and the euro at UAH 42.65-42.84.

- On the interbank market, the exchange rates are 38.83-39.86 UAH/USD for the dollar and 41.95-41.98 UAH/€ for the euro, respectively.


In March, the hryvnia exchange rate fluctuated in both directions, depreciating moderately by the end of the month due to factors such as increased demand for imports, budget expenditures, and tax payments, which forced the NBU to increase foreign currency sales to $1.8 bn.

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