Crimean Tatar flag raised on KCSA flagpole

Crimean Tatar flag raised on KCSA flagpole

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 26 2024, 10:04 AM  •  18059 views

On June 26, the Crimean Tatar flag was raised on the KCSA flagpole, symbolizing the struggle for the rights of the indigenous people of Crimea, the liberation of the peninsula from Russian occupation and the restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

On June 26, the day of the Crimean Tatar flag, the National Crimean Tatar flag was raised on the KCSA flagpole. This is reported by the press service of KCSA, writes UNN.


The event to raise the flag was attended by Metropolitan officials and representatives of the Crimean Tatar people.

It is noted that the Crimean Tatar flag was repeatedly banned by the Soviet authorities. Only from the moment of the return of the Crimean Tatars to the peninsula, after the declaration of independence of Ukraine, this banner began its own revival together with its people.

After the temporary occupation of Crimea in 2014, Russia resumed criminal attempts to destroy the historical memory, original culture and language of the Crimean Tatar people. And a full-scale war has led to an even greater deterioration of the situation with fundamental freedoms and Human Rights on the Crimean Peninsula. Today, the Crimean Tatar flag is a symbol of the struggle for the rights of the indigenous people of Crimea and the liberation of the peninsula from Russian occupation, as well as one of the symbols of restoring the territorial integrity of Ukraine. We believe that very soon the Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian flags will fly up again in the free Crimea!

- said Anna Starostenko, deputy chairman of KCSA.

The event was also attended by Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov, who thanked the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in particular of Crimean Tatar origin, expressed words of support for political prisoners and congratulated everyone on the day of the Crimean Tatar flag.


The European Court of human rights announced the decision in the Crimean case Ukraine v. Russia, which is the first in which an international court found the Russian Federation responsible for the policy of large-scale and systematic violations of various human rights and freedoms in the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.