About a thousand penguins have already been born near the Akademik Vernadsky station
Kyiv • UNN
About a thousand penguin chicks have appeared on Galindez Island near the Ukrainian Antarctic station. Most sub-Antarctic penguins have two babies, and their total number on the island has reached a record 7,000.
About a thousand penguin chicks have already been born on Galindez Island, near the Antarctic Akademik Vernadsky station. This is reported by UNN with reference to the Facebook page of the National Antarctic Science Center (NASC).
Ukrainian scientists noted that there are still eggs in some nests on Galindez Island, so the number of chicks will grow. But most families already have two babies.
They are very different now: some have just hatched, and some are already big and almost as big as their parents
The NAS explained that Galindega is home to mostly sub-Antarctic penguins. They are also called donkey penguins because of their characteristic loud cry. They arrive on the island in the spring to breed. Here they build nests, lay eggs (usually two) and raise chicks.

Last season, the number of sub-Antarctic penguins on Galindega reached a record 7,000.
The first penguin chicks of the season were born near the Ukrainian Antarctic station . The babies will spend a month in the nest under the supervision of their parents before they begin to change their gray fluff to black and white feathers.