10 Simple Habits That Will Make You Healthier

10 Simple Habits That Will Make You Healthier

Kyiv • UNN


Good health is the result of many habits. Take the stairs, snack, choose comfortable shoes, add activity, and don't forget about doctors.

Good health is the result of many habits, most of which a person is able to form independently. Here are 10 simple steps you can take to significantly improve your well-being, writes UNN.

Take the stairs

Climbing up and down the stairs at least three times a day, a person can improve the condition of their cardiovascular system by 5-10% within 6 weeks.

Have a healthy snack before bed

Night snacks are notoriously unhealthy. Usually at the end of the working day, you dream of getting to the junk food you've been craving all day. But as such, a late dinner is not a crime. Choose foods that are rich in fiber (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and legumes), magnesium (seeds, spinach, cherry juice), vitamin D (cod liver, salmon, tuna, sardines, beef liver, egg yolk), tryptophan (turkey, chicken, dairy products).

Don't listen to loud music

In most headphones, you can listen to loud music for no more than 8 minutes, then such frequencies begin to negatively affect a person's hearing. In order not to harm your health, it is better to keep the volume control below half.

Get plants

Green friends at home and at work help to increase attention and lower blood pressure, and the aromas of some plants, such as geranium, lavender or rosemary, also have a calming effect.


Choose comfortable shoes

The material from which the shoes are made is important. Ideally, it should be made of natural materials to allow air to pass through and remove excess moisture. Ideally, the insole should be made of leather, which can neutralize odors, or impregnated with an antibacterial liquid. Otherwise, fungal diseases cannot be avoided.

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Also, uncomfortable shoes can provoke a change in the load on the foot, which causes a violation of biomechanics in the ankle, knee and hip joints.

Calluses, skin ulcers, the appearance of "heel spurs" are also a consequence of "abuse" of poor-quality shoes, which are very difficult to treat.

Add daily activity

Despite the fact that experts cannot agree on the exact number of steps a person needs each day, studies say that walking improves well-being. Researchers have found that the more steps people took per day (up to 10,000), the lower their risks of heart disease, cancer, and premature death.

Don't overeat

Nutritionists insist that there should be no more than four hours between meals. So if someone is used to having lunch at noon and dinner at 8 pm, after work, you should think about a snack between these meals.


Don't neglect visiting the doctor

Most diseases can be detected in the early stages. Therefore, regular visits to the doctor will help to maintain health and save money on long-term treatment of a neglected disease. In particular, around the age of 40, every person is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination by an ophthalmologist. Age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma (loss of peripheral vision caused by nerve damage in the eyes associated with pressure) are among the leading causes of blindness.

Don't brush your teeth immediately after eating

Food makes the environment in your mouth quite acidic. Human saliva partially neutralizes it, but if you brush your teeth too early, you're essentially just rubbing that acid into your teeth. Therefore, it is worth waiting 20-30 minutes before hygienic procedures.