Week of change: solar eclipse and a step into a new era
Kyiv • UNN
The solar eclipse on March 29 will be a turning point, bringing changes in personal life and society. It is important to be honest with yourself and open to change.
This week is one of the key weeks of the year. Astrological events will be so intense that they can lead to profound changes - both in the inner state of each of us and in the world order. About what awaits us in the period from March 24 to 30, especially for readers of UNN, told professional astrologer Ksenia Bazilenko.
Solar eclipse
The main event of the week is the solar eclipse on March 29
A partial solar eclipse on March 29 will occur at 12.57 Kyiv time in the sign of Aries. It will complete the eclipse corridor that began on March 14. This eclipse is especially important: at the time of its occurrence, the ascending lunar node Rahu will be surrounded by a parade of planets in the sign of Pisces, and the Sun and Moon will be in conjunction in Aries.
This combination carries a huge impetus for the beginning of a new stage in life. Aries symbolizes strength, determination and the desire for a breakthrough, and the sign of Pisces indicates that our goals should be based on spiritual depth, spiritual values and intuition.
Read more about the eclipse in a separate article that will be published in the coming days.
Rare astrological phenomenon: a total lunar eclipse has begun14.03.2025, 09:36 • 14618 views
Preparing for the eclipse: re-evaluation and cleansing
The period from March 14 to 29 is the most important time of inner transformation. Take a closer look: who has entered your life, what offers have appeared, what situations have ended. All of this is part of the mosaic of fateful changes.
The influence of retrograde Venus and Mercury intensifies the rethinking in the sphere of relationships and finances. Returns from the past, complex emotions, and fluctuations are possible. But do not be afraid - this is just a stage of cleansing and reformatting life.
March 26-27 - completion in the personal sphere
The Moon will connect with Venus and Neptune - very sensual days, when personal relationships are summed up. If you have returned to old relationships, but feel emotional discomfort - most likely, this is not your path. If, on the contrary, a break has occurred, but you feel liberation - you have let go of what has exhausted itself.

Also pay attention to the conjunction of the Sun with retrograde Mercury - rethinking goals, returning to old ideas, the need to clearly formulate your thoughts.
March 28 - day of purification before the solar eclipse
March 28 is the 29-30th lunar day - a time of energetic completion, farewell to the past, as well as internal cleansing. The Moon on this day will pass through the sign of Pisces and connect with Venus, Neptune, Saturn and Rahu - a powerful cleansing at all levels.
Dedicate this day to yourself: body, home, intuition, inner peace. This is a kind of preparation for the powerful leap that the solar eclipse will give.
How to meet the solar eclipse on March 29

The day of the eclipse should be spent as much as possible in solitude. This is not a time for fuss, conflicts or external activity. Try to be closer to nature, to yourself, to your inner voice. It is at the moment of the eclipse - write down your desires, goals, plans. This is a point of reboot and deep intention. Everything that you lay down at this time can gain strength and begin to form in reality in the coming months.
Be especially attentive to your well-being. On the days of the solar eclipse, the physical condition can deteriorate greatly. Cardiovascular problems often worsen, blood pressure may rise, and heart rate may increase. There are also possible outbursts of aggression, anxiety, sudden mood swings or general malaise.
It is very important to take care of yourself:
- avoid overload;
- do not plan physically or emotionally stressful activities;
- give yourself time to rest and recover.
Silence, peace and care for the body will help to gently go through this period.
March 27 - Lilith enters Scorpio
Another important event: the Black Moon (Lilith) leaves Libra and enters the sign of Scorpio, where it will stay for 9 months. This is its abode - the position is as intense as possible. During this period, shadows are activated: fears, passion, desire for power, manipulation. In society, the topics of crime, violence, and hidden processes may be exacerbated. On a personal level, it is a time of deep psychological transformations and work with the subconscious. Control over your instincts is especially important.
March 30 - Neptune enters Aries
March 30 - a historic moment. Neptune leaves Pisces, where it has been since 2011, and temporarily enters the sign of Aries. It will remain there until the end of October, after which it will return to Pisces until 2026. This is the symbolic beginning of a new era: from illusions and dreams - to action, the struggle for ideals and leadership. New spiritual and political movements may arise at this time.
This week is a turning point. A new era is literally knocking on the door: at the level of personality, society and global processes. Now it is especially important to be honest with yourself, follow your intuition, clear the space and be open to change. Treat these days with special attention and depth - and they can become the beginning of your new life.
Horoscope: week of the solar eclipse
Key week of the year - and it's yours! The solar eclipse will occur in your sign, which means that you are entering a period of powerful changes. For the next six months, you will be in the spotlight: your actions, decisions and aspirations will determine the course of your destiny. Review your goals, let go of the unnecessary, clear the space for a real update. You are entering a new chapter in your life.
Week of deep transformation. It is important for you to focus on yourself, on your feelings and beliefs. By the end of the week, at the time of the eclipse, you can lay down a strong program of personal growth and determine the direction you want to move in. This is a time of inner work, and it will give a powerful result.
This week can bring you powerful support from friends, like-minded people and social circles. You may be visited by creative ideas, discoveries that will become the foundation of future projects. The eclipse especially affects ambitions, goals and career realization. Write down your desires - they will begin to come true.
The end of the eclipse corridor can bring fateful events, especially in the area of self-realization. Your life can change dramatically: from new professional horizons to international opportunities. Pay attention to the ideas that come in this period - they lead you to the future.
The solar eclipse opens up great prospects for you in the field of education, career, as well as spiritual growth. This is a time when you can overcome obstacles and reach a new level. The main thing is to trust yourself, listen to your intuition and be open to change.
Week of changes. If you show flexibility, diplomacy and are attentive to the emotions of others, you will achieve a lot. Your strength is in your ability to remain calm even in difficult situations. Use the power of the eclipse to set new vectors: in career, relationships, finances.
The eclipse opposes your sign - and this means that you will be tested for maturity. Your qualities - diplomacy, harmony, the ability to negotiate - will be especially important. Changes are possible in relationships, in the environment, in the style of communication. Take health issues seriously as well.
The solar eclipse can radically change your professional life. This is the moment when you can realize strong talents and skills, restart your career. In personal life - a fateful period: a meeting of love is possible, important decisions in relationships. Write down your plans - they will become reality.
This week is filled with light and joy. You will feel a surge of inspiration, love and creative energy. At the time of the eclipse, lay down dreams of home, family, happiness. Everything that is connected with warmth and comfort can be realized in the next six months. Allow yourself to dream big.
The week may bring changes in the family, housing, relationships with loved ones. Decisions related to the purchase of real estate or relocation are possible. It is also a great time for learning, discovering new interests. Do not forget to formulate your desires - especially those that come from the heart.
You will feel incredible activity and mental clarity. This is a powerful period for business, expanding financial opportunities and new communications. Unique knowledge, insights, and lucrative offers may come. Write down your creative goals - you are able to realize them.
You are at the center of cosmic changes. The Rahu node continues to move through your sign, and the eclipse emphasizes important financial topics. This is a time for solving material issues, but also for re-evaluating values. Especially if you are a creative person or want to improve your personal life. Your new path is now being formed.