Ukraine and Ireland agreed on the targeted content of the security agreement - OP

Ukraine and Ireland agreed on the targeted content of the security agreement - OP

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 20 2024, 11:08 AM  •  25969 views

Ukraine and Ireland discussed the signing of a bilateral security agreement and agreed on its indicative content, as well as further steps to implement it as part of efforts to increase international support for Ukraine's peace plan.

Deputy head of the Office of the president of Ukraine Ihor Zhovkva discussed the signing of a bilateral security agreement with Deputy Foreign Minister of Ireland Sonya Hyland. This is reported by UNN with reference to the Office of the president. 


The interlocutors discussed the results of the inaugural Peace Summit and pledged to work together to increase the number of countries in support of the joint communique on the foundations of peace.

They also agreed on the next steps to implement further international measures in this context.

We are grateful for the personal participation of Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris in the peace summit and Ireland's accession to the joint communique on its results. Our joint efforts bring closer the establishment of a just peace, the restoration of the UN Charter and international law

- emphasized by Igor Zhovkva

Yermak: “Today we have security agreements on guarantees for Ukraine with all G7 countries”June 14 2024, 08:20 AM • 35835 views

The OP notes that at the meeting, the parties discussed the possibility of concluding a bilateral security agreement to implement the G7 joint declaration on support for Ukraine, to which Ireland joined shortly after its signing, along with more than 30 other countries.

The ministry recalls that during the last telephone conversation , President Volodymyr Zelensky and Irish prime minister Simon Harris agreed to start consultations on this issue.

The interlocutors agreed on the indicative content of the draft agreement, as well as agreed on quick further steps

- summed up in the Office of the president. 


The president's Office stated that Ukraine and the European Union held the final round of negotiations on a bilateral security agreement.