The NBU proposes to replace the name of the “kopiyka” coin with “shag”

The NBU proposes to replace the name of the “kopiyka” coin with “shag”

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 2 2024, 12:45 PM  •  23893 views

The National Bank of Ukraine is initiating a change in the name of change coins from “kopiyka” to “shkad” to restore historical justice. The NBU explains that this will contribute to the de-Russification and revival of national traditions in Ukraine's money circulation.

The National Bank of Ukraine proposes to replace the name of Ukrainian coins "kopiyka" with "shag" to restore historical justice. This is stated in a statement by the NBU, UNN reports .

In order to restore historical justice, promote de-Russification and revive national traditions in the monetary circulation of Ukraine, the National Bank of Ukraine initiates a change of name of the change coins from "kopiika" to "shag"

- the statement reads.

According to the head of the National Bank, Andriy Pyshnyi, the kopiyka is a symbol of Moscow's occupation.

Having studied the history of Ukraine's monetary circulation, we have come to the undeniable conclusion that the name "kopiyka" for a change coin is actually a symbol of Moscow's occupation. Today, the Ukrainian people are reclaiming everything that was unjustly stolen from them and mutilated by Kremlin narratives. It's time to restore justice to the monetary system, to cleanse monetary sovereignty of the slightest affinity with anything Moscow. We have our own, specifically Ukrainian, word for small coins - the word "shag"

 ,” he said.

The regulator explains that the revival of the name "shag" will return Ukrainian coins to their own identity.

The name "shag" is of ancient Ukrainian origin, and it has been used both on the territory of Ukraine and in Ukrainian monetary counting (from the 16th to the 17th centuries). This is a unique name for a coin that is not known in other linguistic cultures. It is widely used in classical Ukrainian literature, in particular, it is often mentioned in the works of Taras Shevchenko, Lesya Ukrainka, and other writers. During the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921, banknotes with the name "shah" were introduced into real money circulation, which was enshrined in law. Therefore, the revival of this practice is justified by the historical and linguistic tradition of Ukraine. Ukraine's cash circulation will be cleansed of Russian influence

- the NBU added.

The NBU says that changing the kopiykas is important and a necessary step, "because today kopiykas are in circulation only in countries hostile to Ukraine.


The National Bank of Ukraine issued modified banknotes with the slogan "Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!".