Lyrics of Bob Dylan's legendary song worth up to $600 thousand are up for auction

Lyrics of Bob Dylan's legendary song worth up to $600 thousand are up for auction

Kyiv  •  UNN


The handwritten drafts of Bob Dylan's legendary song, rescued from a trash can, will be auctioned off. In addition to the lyrics, a painting of the musician and other personal items will be put up for sale.

The original drafts of the lyrics to Bob Dylan's legendary song “Mr. Tambourine Man” may sell for 400 to 600 thousand dollars at an auction to be held this Saturday. This is reported by The Guardian, according to UNN.


The drafts of the song “Mr. Tambourine Man,” which 22-year-old Bob Dylan composed in March 1964, were rescued from a trash can by his friend, the famous rock journalist Al Aronowitz. 

These crumpled and partially torn Dylan lyrics, which Aronowitz rescued from a trash can and passed on to his children, could fetch hundreds of thousands of dollars when they are sold at a Saturday auction.

“My dad never threw anything away, and we knew the story of 'Mr. Tambourine Man'... but he lost track of it,” said Miles Aronowitz, who found the lyrics. It took him three years to find the lyrics and he went through 250 boxes of his father's papers, photos and audiotapes. 

“She meant a lot to him, but he didn't know where she was,” added Miles Aronowitz.

Three drafts of the song in Aronowitz's archive show that Dylan replaced words like “bootheels” with “feet” and “magic” with “priceless.” In addition, he noted that the song's composition combined stream-of-consciousness elements with careful editing.

“It feels like a stream of consciousness, but you can also see from the drafts how carefully every word was thought out,” Miles says.

According to him, seeing the words that Dylan crossed out and added to the manuscript is like looking over the performer's shoulder when he is writing a song: “It gives you a sense of what was going on in Bob Dylan's head.

According to the auction house's official estimate, on Saturday the lyrics will be sold for $400,000 to $600,000.

Also up for sale are 50 other items from Aronowitz's personal archive, including an early oil painting of Dylan from 1968 (estimated at $200-300 thousand), a poster from Dylan's first major headlining performance in 1963 at New York City Hall, and vintage photographs.

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