Recovering the internal battery: how to keep yourself in the resource

Recovering the internal battery: how to keep yourself in the resource

Kyiv  •  UNN


Simple and effective tips for every day

Studies show that tension has become a key characteristic of the emotional state of Ukrainians.  At the same time, citizens continue to work and increase the regularity of their support for the army. In such circumstances, it is important to monitor the level of one's resource status and constantly restore the internal battery. UNN publishes a collection of tips from the mental health support platform “Are you okay?”.

What is the resource state and where does it go?

Resourcefulness is the availability of physical and psycho-emotional resources that give a person energy and motivation to solve daily tasks, cope with difficulties, and build their life. Resourcefulness is characterized by a sense of satisfaction, confidence, and freedom.

To determine the level of your resource status, use a scale from 0 to 10, where ten is the highest energy level. This will allow you to estimate how much time you need to allocate for recovery, as well as make an appropriate plan. Remember that it is important to maintain a balance between how much energy you spend and how much you replenish.

The low level of resource status can be caused by a variety of factors:

  • prolonged stress;
  • traumatic events;
  • overwork;
  • Insufficient duration and/or quality of sleep;
  • unhealthy diet;
  • low or excessive self-esteem.

How to adjust your resource status

- Pay attention to your needs

To function well, humans need quality food and water, adequate sleep, shelter, and connection to others. It is especially important to take care of these needs during war, when the level of chronic stress is constantly high. Use a healthy food plate to create a daily diet that will replenish energy. To improve your sleep patterns and quality of sleep, follow the recommendations on the website of the Coordination Center for Mental Health of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Also, remember to meet basic emotional needs: secure attachment, autonomy and recognition, rules and boundaries, expression of emotions, spontaneity, and play.

In war conditions, not all needs can be met in the usual way for you. Use the brainstorming exercise: grab a piece of paper and pen, write down a specific need in the center, and come up with various ideas on how you can meet it. Don't give up if you find it difficult at first. Give yourself time. You can also ask your friends or acquaintances how they meet their needs and try out the ways that you liked.

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- Start doing resource activities

Remember that in times of trials, you will need even more resource activity than in more stable times. Resource activity is a specific activity that is close to your liking and brings energy. There is a simple exercise: try to come up with activities that will inspire you for each letter of the alphabet. It can be" C " — charging," m " — drawing," P " — walking. To expand your list of resource activities, remember what you enjoyed doing as a child — such activities are also a powerful source of recovery.


Another way to replenish your energy source is through anti-stress exercises. They are also simple, but they have a good effect on the psycho-emotional state through the body. Use the “Psychological Self-Help Kit” to find the exercises you like.

- Analyze what your energy is spent on

For one week, try writing down what you spent your physical and mental resources on. Don't limit yourself to a list of things you did in a certain amount of time. Also consider the amount of time you spent thinking about or living through certain situations. Remember that emotional experiences, including anxiety, take a lot of energy.


Try another exercise: for a week, record your energy levels before and after a particular activity. To do this, use a scale from 0 to 10, where ten is the highest energy level.

Thanks to these exercises, you'll be able to see yourself from a different perspective and evaluate which activities you should cut back on and which ones you should do more often.

- Reconsider your priorities

One of the reasons for a low resource state is incorrect prioritization, which depletes the body. These may be unrealistic priorities or those that do not coincide with your inner desires.

Start your priorities review by identifying your values. Then analyze what you want to maintain, improve, or change in your life. The next step is to evaluate your time and emotional resources. Remember that a realistic assessment is important here, without self-criticism. After that, write down your priorities and be prepared to revise them based on different circumstances and your condition.

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- Ask for help

Your family doctor, who has been trained under the who mhGAP program, will provide you with basic psychological assistance, as well as refer you to other specialists if necessary.

Don't be afraid to see a psychologist or psychotherapist. You can find these specialists using the online map of the National Health Service of Ukraine. Use this page to search for verified organizations and emotional support phone numbers.

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