More than 9.6 thousand cases of HIV were detected: what treatment is provided

More than 9.6 thousand cases of HIV were detected: what treatment is provided

Kyiv  •  UNN


In Ukraine, 9653 new cases of HIV were detected in 9 months, every fourth - in the AIDS stage. The Ministry of Health recalls free testing and antiretroviral therapy, which is received by 118,700 patients.

In Ukraine, for 9 months of this year, 9,653 thousand new cases of HIV were detected, every Fourth of which is in the AIDS stage. This is reported by the Ministry of Health and reminds about the ways of passing HIV testing and treatment, reports UNN.

137 thousand Ukrainians are under medical supervision due to HIV. For 9 months of this year, 9,653 thousand new cases of the disease were identified, every Fourth of which is in the AIDS stage. AIDS causes 899 deaths

- the message says.

The Ministry of Health reminded that you can get tested for HIV by contacting a family doctor or in medical institutions, and tests for rapid diagnosis are also provided by non-governmental patient organizations. Such diagnostics are free of charge and confidential and are included in various service packages of the medical guarantee program.

Quick tests allow you to get the result in 15-30 minutes.

The Ministry of Health emphasizes that a positive HIV test is not a sentence. A reliable way to keep the virus under control is a drug – antiretroviral therapy (ARV therapy).

"Within a few months after starting treatment, a person's viral load level will be less than 40 copies of RNA/ML. When this lasts for at least 6 months, HIV will no longer be detected by tests and will become safe for both the infected person and others. Thanks to advances in the treatment of HIV infection over the past 20 years, the transition to the most severe stage of the disease-AIDS – is less common today. Now ARV therapy is available to everyone who needs it, and is free of charge," the Ministry of Health informs.

The main thing is to know about your HIV status in order to start therapy on time and prevent the development of AIDS and transmission of the virus to others.

At the end of 2024, 118,700 people are already receiving ARV therapy. ARV therapy drugs should be taken continuously and systematically, because without daily drug suppression, the virus will begin to multiply again and become resistant to the drugs of the previous treatment regimen. At the same time, it is worth remembering that with proper medical care, HIV can be controlled. People with HIV who receive effective treatment can live long, healthy lives, give birth to healthy children, and protect their partners

- the message says.

Ukraine has received an innovative drug for HIV preventionJun 5 2024, 07:36 AM • 16996 views


Today, December 1, many countries host various events on the occasion of World Aids Day. The event was founded by the World Health Organization in 1988.