Enemy is shelling Kharkiv with KABs and FABs more often - Terekhov

Enemy is shelling Kharkiv with KABs and FABs more often - Terekhov

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 22 2024, 02:39 PM  •  23747 views

Ihor Terekhov reported an increase in the shelling of Kharkiv with guided and high-explosive bombs. According to him, citizens have only 3-5 minutes to find shelter after the bombs are launched.

Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov said that the city is increasingly being shelled with guided and high-explosive bombs. He said this during a telethon, reports UNN.

The dynamics went uphill and Kharkiv began to be shelled more and more often with KABs and FABs

- Terekhov said.

According to him, the FAB and CAB fly to Kharkiv very quickly and the citizens have 3-5 minutes to find a shelter. 


Eight people were hospitalized as a result of the attack on Kharkiv on the evening of September 21. A 39-year-old woman is in serious condition.