Emotionally intense week: horoscope for all zodiac signs for June 17-23

Emotionally intense week: horoscope for all zodiac signs for June 17-23

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 16 2024, 08:30 AM  •  118515 views

This week there will be important astrological events such as Mercury, Venus and the Sun moving into Cancer, the summer solstice and the full moon that will affect our emotions, relationships and decision-making ability.

In the period from June 17 to June 23, we are waiting for important astrological events that will have a strong influence on our state and emotions. About this especially for readers UNN told professional astrologer Xenia Basilenko.

"This week will be packed with important astrological events. At the beginning of the week Mercury and Venus, in their exact conjunction, will move into the sign of Cancer, and on June 20 the Sun will move into this sign. Our energetic state will change. Venus in Cancer will increase our emotional connection with others. We will have a desire to communicate more with our relatives and friends, to take care of our family, to do household chores and create comfort. Mercury in Cancer will give us the opportunity to think quite deeply.  We will become more thoughtful and will be happy to deal with deeper psychological issues. This is a good period for all creative people," the astrologer believes.

According to Basilenko, June 20 will be a very important and energetically powerful day - the day of the summer solstice (the longest day and shortest night). In ancient times, many nations honored this day.

On June 22 at 4.08 Kyiv time there will be a Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn. It will affect our emotions.

"We, at the time of the Full Moon, will feel a very strong emotional tension, which will lead to unbalance, will generate internal conflicts, which can pass into external ones. There will be no rational grain in our actions, so on this day it is worth refraining from making important decisions and from figuring out relationships. On Sunday, June 23, the Moon will have good aspects, which will give us the opportunity to come to our senses after too emotional and very energy-consuming week", - said the astrologer.


This week will bring you a lot of domestic fuss and meetings with your relatives. In the second half of the week, try to avoid major scandals with your in-laws and don't decide important issues with them, and don't buy or sell real estate. It is better to switch to profit making - success awaits you here.

And by the end of the week, you would do well to meet up with friends.


At the beginning of the week you will have a very emotional period, because of which you may make big mistakes. Try to avoid conflicts as much as possible and keep yourself in control. The week itself will be very interesting and will attract a lot of interesting acquaintances into your life, will give luck in commerce.

You could also have a lot of conflict during the Full Moon, June 22, so it's important to think about what you say to other people.

But on Sunday you will have the opportunity to relax, have a good rest and do your favorite things.


For you, this week will bring good luck in the field of finance - you can actively expand your business and improve your profits. But the whole week will be very emotional for you, and you will constantly feel tension, both internally and externally. Here it is very important to rely more on logic than on emotions.

Do not make important financial decisions or large purchases during the Full Moon. It is better to rest during this period.


This week you will be full of strength and energy. And the success of this week will depend only on you. There will be a desire to completely change everything in your life. Take more time for yourself and your interests.

In the second half of the week, especially at the time of the Full Moon, your emotional tension will reach a peak and here you can make very serious mistakes. Try to keep yourself in control as much as possible, rely on logic, do not get into conflicts.


This week will be emotionally very challenging for you, especially during the Full Moon.

You may retreat into yourself and begin to engage in self-exploration. Do not let fears and doubts get the best of you. You should not make important decisions, especially in the 2nd half of the week. This is a good time for peace, solitude and relaxation.


This week you will be completely absorbed in new interesting projects that you can easily realize. In the second half of the week, you may face a lot of emotional tension, especially with your team and business partners. Try to have more rest and take time for yourself during this period.


You are facing a period of great opportunities, especially in your own growth and realization of plans. But, as with everyone this week, you may be hindered by your own negative emotions and irritability.

Pay attention to the second half of the week, as there may be big conflicts with your management or team. Devote more time to your health, walks and outdoor recreation on the weekend.


The beginning of this week will be too emotional and irritable. Keep yourself in control, otherwise you will make big mistakes. Avoid conflicts as much as possible. This week can bring you a lot of success in communication, in obtaining important information, in learning, and in the second half of the week long trips and travels, interesting acquaintances with foreigners are possible. You can get great support from business partners, as well as from your spouse.


This week your events will be colorful and intense.  You will have to make many different decisions. Especially in legal matters and matters related to taxes and loans. Everything can turn out very well, but it is worth considering the peculiarity of this week, as for everyone, it is increased emotionality, associated with the intense Full Moon. Therefore, control your emotions as much as possible and avoid conflicts.


This week will be very emotionally challenging for you, because the Full Moon will be in your zodiac sign. You will feel a lot of irritation and insecurity.

Therefore, whatever you do, rely more on logic and common sense as much as possible. Avoid any conflicts as much as possible, especially with your partners and spouses.

This is a good period for you to spend more time in peace, harmony and solitude. Take time for your health.


This week will bring you a lot of opportunities in any kind of activity. The main thing is to do everything carefully and logically, because any of your negative emotions can immediately affect both your success and physical health. Towards the end of the week, conflicts with your team may arise.

With all your workload, take more time for yourself and your health.


A good period for rest begins for you. Great opportunities open up for those Pisces who are involved in creativity.

Success in personal relationships may also await you. But during the Full Moon, strong passions can play out, which can lead to the breakup of even the most stable couples. Conflict situations with your children may also arise. Therefore, by the end of the week, be more calm, benevolent. Take care of yourself, your recreation, creativity. Treat your environment with love, and it will respond to you in the same way.