Blockade of the Polish border by carriers has hit imports hard - Svyrydenko
Kyiv • UNN
The blockade of the Polish border affected Ukrainian imports more than exports, which were facilitated by the new sea corridor. This led to a trade deficit of $35 billion.
The negative impact of the blockade of the border by Polish carriers has had a negative impact mainly on imports, not exports, due to the work of the new grain corridor. This was reported by First Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yulia Svyrydenko, according to a correspondent of UNN.
From my point of view, the blockade on the Polish border had a more negative impact on imports than on exports. Of course, there were losses for exporters, but they were less significant than for importers, because we were able to cover these losses by establishing a new sea corridor due to the fact that we had an alternative corridor.
The alternative maritime corridor covers not only the possibility of exporting grain crops, but also other products. During this time, Ukraine exported 15 million tons. 473 vessels left and 506 entered, the minister noted.
Regarding the blocking of the border by Polish carriers, Svyrydenko reminded that, according to the Customs Service, the budget lost UAH 9.8 billion in November.
Overall, in 2023, exports of goods and services decreased by 12.4% compared to 2022.
We have to admit that we had a record trade deficit of $35 billion.
Ukraine increased its maritime exports by 30% in December compared to November.