100 thousand people have the status of unemployed in Ukraine - State Employment Center

100 thousand people have the status of unemployed in Ukraine - State Employment Center

Kyiv  •  UNN


There are 100 thousand registered unemployed in Ukraine, which is 4 times less than in 2024. The labor market has more vacancies than job seekers, and unemployment benefits range from UAH 3,600 to 8,000.

The State Employment Service currently has 100 thousand Ukrainians registered as unemployed. In 2024, there were 400 thousand citizens. This was announced by the director of the State Employment Center Yulia Zhovtyak during a telethon, UNN reports.

According to the official statistics of the State Employment Service, today we have 100 thousand of our citizens registered as unemployed. In 2024, there were 400 thousand Ukrainian citizens registered as unemployed,

- Zhovtyak said.

She noted that prior to the full-scale invasion, the State Statistics Service had been analyzing the official unemployment rate.

Today, there is no such analysis. But we do have macro indicators published by the Ministry of Economy, and for 2025 they are equal to 17.7%, which is the unemployment rate,

- Zhovtyak said.

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In addition, she commented that it is now harder to find a job or a specialist.

Today, just like last year, it is the time of the employee. It is an employee's labor market, not an employer's, because there are far more job offers than people looking for work,

- Zhovtyak noted.

According to her, the minimum level of unemployment benefits is UAH 3,600, and the maximum is UAH 8,000.


The demand for specialists in Ukraine has reached pre-war levels, and almost 100,000 Ukrainians were retrained by the state in 2024.