White House may allow deployment of US military contractors in Ukraine-CNN

White House may allow deployment of US military contractors in Ukraine-CNN

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 26 2024, 01:45 AM  •  101829 views

The Biden administration is considering lifting a ban on the deployment of U.S. military contractors in Ukraine to maintain and repair weapons provided by Washington, marking a significant policy shift that will give Ukraine an advantage over Russia.

The administration of US President Joe Biden is considering lifting the de facto ban on the deployment of US military contractors in Ukraine for the maintenance and repair of weapons provided to Kiev by Washington. This was reported by CNN with reference to four unnamed American officials, reports UNN.


The article says that the adoption of the relevant decision will mark another significant shift in the Biden administration's policy towards Ukraine, as the United States is looking for ways to give the Ukrainian military an advantage over Russia.

CNN's interlocutors said that this topic is under consideration in the White House, but Biden has not yet given his consent.

We have not taken any decisions, and any discussion on this issue is premature. The president is absolutely sure that he will not send American troops to Ukraine

one of the officials told reporters.

Another source noted that if the decision is approved, it is likely that it will take effect in 2024. This will allow the Pentagon to grant contracts to American companies to operate in Ukraine for the first time since the beginning of a full-scale Russian invasion. Officials expressed the hope that this will speed up the maintenance and repair of weapons that Washington has provided to Kiev.


The article notes that over the past two years, Biden has insisted that all Americans, especially military personnel, stay as far away from the front line in Ukraine as possible. As a result, military equipment provided by the United States had to be exported to Poland, Romania or other NATO countries for time-consuming repairs.

Currently, the US can only help with maintenance via video chat or a secure phone. However, such an assistance mechanism has certain limitations, because American troops and contractors cannot work directly with the systems, writes CNN.

White House officials said these restrictions have been revised in recent months, as U.S. aid has been blocked in Congress and Russia has made progress on the battlefield.

Allowing experienced U.S. government-funded contractors to stay in Ukraine means they can help repair damaged equipment much faster

writes the publication

According to them, one of the systems that is likely to require regular maintenance is the F-16 fighter jets, which Ukraine should receive in 2024. However, companies applying for contracts will have to develop reliable risk reduction plans to reduce threats to their employees, one of the interlocutors stressed.

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