Opendatabot: 1283 hectares have already been sold since the land market opened

Opendatabot: 1283 hectares have already been sold since the land market opened

Kyiv  •  UNN


Since the opening of the land market for legal entities in Ukraine, businesses have sold more than 1283 hectares of land in just 3 months. It is noted that 342 plots were sold, and 12 companies were excluded from the land monitoring system for owning less than 100 hectares.

More than 1283 hectares of land have been sold after 3 months since the land market became available to commercial organizations. At the same time, the SLC is tracking 271 Ukrainian companies, each of which owns land plots of more than 100 hectares, UNN reports with reference to Opendatabot.


Since the opening of the land market for legal entities, Ukrainian companies have sold more than 1,283 hectares of land in 3 months, as of March 18, 2024. Unexpectedly, instead of buying, businesses have been actively selling land. At least 342 plots have been sold since the beginning of the year. During this period, 12 companies sold their land and were excluded from the land monitoring system, as their land assets decreased to less than 100 hectares.

Currently, the State Land Cadastre controls 271 Ukrainian companies that own plots of more than 100 hectares.

The following agricultural firms own the largest amount of land in Ukraine: 

"Svitanok: more than 5 thousand hectares;

"Druzhkovka Ore Mining: 3.3 thousand hectares;

"Zemletrade: 3 thousand hectares.

It is worth noting that Zemletrade sold about 160 hectares of its land in 3 months. However, during the same period, the largest amount of land - 284 hectares - was sold by A.T.K. Ellina Yurchenko, head of the Center for Policy Analysis "Sklyad", expressed the opinion that it is too early to assess the effectiveness of the land market for legal entities. She noted that the first significant results will appear only 6-12 months after its launch.

Even before the land market was opened for them, legal entities could purchase land, meaning that their beneficiaries could do so. After all, Ukrainian citizens had the opportunity to buy up to 100 hectares, and from January 1, 2024, the limit increased to 10 thousand hectares. So, perhaps, companies are optimizing their number of land owners in this way and continue to buy land for individuals - citizens of Ukraine


The Cabinet of Ministers has banned the transfer of ownership, use, and change of use of land occupied by the Kakhovka Reservoir for the duration of martial law and five years after its end to prevent misuse and enable future restoration of the reservoirdrained by Russian aggression.