

News by theme

Kyiv is back in the ranking of the most expensive cities in the world: what position

Kyiv is ranked 132nd in the Economist Intelligence Unit's cost of living index, reappearing after being excluded last year due to the Russian invasion. Global prices rose by an average of 7.4%, with Singapore and Zurich topping the index.

Economy • November 30 2023, 05:26 PM  •  39080 views
Kyiv is back in the ranking of the most expensive cities in the world: what position

Russians shell a village in Kharkiv region: there is a victim

A 52-year-old man was wounded by Russian shelling in the Kharkiv region, which led to the investigation of war crimes under the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The shelling of the village of Liptsy damaged residential buildings.

War • November 30 2023, 05:18 PM  •  37701 views
Russians shell a village in Kharkiv region: there is a victim

Another train with cargo catches fire in Severomuisky tunnel

A freight train carrying diesel fuel tanks caught fire in the Severomuysk tunnel. The tanks exploded, six railroad cars caught fire, but no one was injured.

War • November 30 2023, 05:10 PM  •  42234 views
Another train with cargo catches fire in Severomuisky tunnel

DTEK Odesa management asks people to be patient - soon everyone will have electricity

The storm in Odesa Oblast left 596,000 people without power. DTEK is working around the clock to restore power supply, focusing on the most affected areas. Restoration work is difficult due to access and weather conditions.

Society • November 30 2023, 05:03 PM  •  42177 views
DTEK Odesa management asks people to be patient - soon everyone will have electricity

He awarded teachers and talked to schoolchildren: Zelensky visits metro school in Kharkiv

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited schoolchildren who are studying at a Kharkiv metro station due to the conflict and awarded teachers for their dedication. Zelenskyy emphasized that continuing education is a sign of life during the war.

Society • November 30 2023, 04:55 PM  •  37977 views
He awarded teachers and talked to schoolchildren: Zelensky visits metro school in Kharkiv

Expert on changes to the food catalog for the military from the "Operator of the rear": will make manipulation impossible

The military food supply system is being reformed to reduce manipulation and abuse. The expert also notes that there is another component where there have been abuses - logistics in the supply of food.

Politics • November 30 2023, 04:42 PM  •  293583 views
Expert on changes to the food catalog for the military from the "Operator of the rear": will make manipulation impossible

Slovak Prime Minister Fico calls to prepare for normalization of Slovak-Russian relations

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico met with the US and russian ambassadors, reaffirming Slovakia's sovereign foreign policy position and skepticism about EU and US strategies towards Ukraine.

Politics • November 30 2023, 04:33 PM  •  37943 views
Slovak Prime Minister Fico calls to prepare for normalization of Slovak-Russian relations

Ombudsman confirms that adoption of a child from Kherson by a russian politician was the first recorded fact of changing the data of a Ukrainian child and is genocide

The Ombudsman of Ukraine has received a request to establish the whereabouts of Margarita Prokopenko, a girl abducted in Kherson and adopted and renamed by russian politician sergey mironov.

Politics • November 30 2023, 04:28 PM  •  35217 views
Ombudsman confirms that adoption of a child from Kherson by a russian politician was the first recorded fact of changing the data of a Ukrainian child and is genocide

In a year and a half, Ukrainian documents in "Diia" will be recognised in many European countries, as the platform will be will be included in the pan-European network of trust services.

In a year and a half, Ukrainian documents in "Diia" will be recognized in many European countries.

Society • November 30 2023, 04:26 PM  •  33993 views
In a year and a half, Ukrainian documents in "Diia" will be recognised in many European countries, as the platform will be
will be included in the pan-European network of trust services.

Derkach's high treason case sent to court

Former Ukrainian MP Andrii Derkach has been charged with treason and illicit enrichment, accused of receiving at least $567,000 from Russian agencies for his actions against Ukraine. His case, with evidence of subversive activities, is currently in court.

Politics • November 30 2023, 04:25 PM  •  33987 views
Derkach's high treason case sent to court