July 12: World Flight Attendant Day, Barbecue Day
Kyiv • UNN
The first flight attendants were men. The idea to involve women in this work arose in the United States in 1930 purely from a pragmatic point of view - women are lighter than men.
Today, on July 12, civil aviation flight attendants celebrate their professional holiday in many countries, UNN reports.
The first flight attendants were men. Stewards began providing comfort and service to airship and airplane passengers in Germany in 1928. Before that, the co-pilot took care of the passengers. As a rule, waiters from expensive restaurants were hired as stewards.
The idea to involve women in this work arose in the United States in 1930 purely from a pragmatic point of view - women are lighter than men.
The first stewardess is considered to be a former nurse Ellen Church, who took her first flight on May 15, 1930, on the San Francisco - Cheyenne route.
It was Ellen Church who was entrusted with recruiting the first group of stewardesses, which included seven nurses under the age of 25 and weighing no more than 52 kilograms.
Traditionally, on the second Friday of July, World Barbecue Day has been celebrated for many years, a holiday that pays tribute to an ancient dish without which it is difficult to imagine any picnic.
Ukrainians are also fond of kebabs: in 2013, a 160-meter-long kebab was cooked in Kyiv using 200 kilograms of meat. And the following year, a 200-meter-long kebab was grilled in Ternopil.
Today is also the Day of Colored Eyes. This pathology is called heterochromia and is observed in 1% of the world's population. There are more women with colored eyes than men.
Heterochromia is not harmful to human health. However, if a person was born with eyes of the same color, and at some point the pigmentation began to change, this may be a sign of a disease.
On July 12, environmental activists can join the Paper Bag Day.
The event was launched to draw people's attention to the problem of environmental pollution, raise awareness of the benefits of using paper bags, and encourage conscious consumption and an environmentally friendly lifestyle.
According to the old church calendar, today is the Day of Remembrance of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul
Peter was one of Jesus' most loyal disciples. But just as Jesus had predicted during the last supper after his arrest, Peter denied his master three times. However, he sincerely repented of his unworthy behavior.
Paul became an apostle after Jesus' death. Before his baptism, his name was Saul, and he was a Roman soldier who took part in the persecution of Christians.
According to the New Julian church calendar, today is the Day of Remembrance of the Holy Martyrs Proclus and Hilary.
Both lived during the time of Emperor Trajan, and were tortured to death during the intensification of the persecution of Christians.
On July 12, Igor, Arsen, Grigory, Veronika, and Maria celebrate their name days.